Define: Coup – envoy- bankruptcy Identify: Election of 1988 – George H.W.Bush- START – Lech Walesa- Boris Yeltsin – Gen. Manuel Noriega- Saddam Hussein – Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf- Balkans War-
Rep.- George H. W. Bush / Dan Quayle “Read my lips – no new taxes” Dem.- Michael Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen Bush wins – 426 electoral votes to 112 Democrats still control House and Senate
Gorbachev stressed a “new world order” People around the world want independence, democracy, and social justice Continue programs on arms control Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) destroy tanks and other nuclear weapons Soviet people endured shortages of food, basic items – expressed dissatisfaction of Communist rule
Soviet satellite nations begin to demand change POLAND Lech Walesa, leader of Solidarity ( labor union of shipyard workers) – led reform movement – will eventually have open elections in June Other Eastern European countries had demonstrations – opened borders Nov Berlin Wall torn down – iron curtain concept begins to disappear East & West Germany reunite
Gorbachev faced opposition within – hard-line communists in military and secret police resisted change – Aug staged coup – held Gorbachev captive –ordered soldiers to seize parliament building. Pres. Boris Yeltsin stated democracy would win – Pres. Bush would support. Gorbachev released Soviet republics (15) declared independence- Yeltsin outlawed the Communist Party Dec. 25, end of Soviet Union Spring Pres. Bush and other leaders pledged $24 billion in aid to former Soviet republics.
Pres. Bush declared war on drugs – affected Bush’s policy in Central America Gen. Manuel Noriega – corruption and political repression – charged with drug trafficking in refused to yield power to newly elected president, Guillermo Endara Dec Bush ordered US troops to overthrow Noriega- surrendered – later convicted in US court
Pres. Bush former CIA director- envoy (diplomatic representative ) to China in 1974 May 1989 Chinese students and workers demonstrated for democracy – China’s gov’t sent troops in Tiananmen Square killing hundreds. Bush avoided criticism to keep trade with China.
Aug. 2,1990 – Iraq’s Saddam Hussein sent army into oil rich Kuwait – Pres. Bush and other nations joined Operation Desert Shield- troops sent to Saudi Arabia to prevent invasion Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf commanded coalition forces – UN gave deadline of Jan. 15, 1991 to withdraw or allies would use force. Iraq refused –allies launched Operation Desert Storm on Jan.16 th.
Allies used laser-guided missiles –bombing to destroy Iraq’s air defense and military targets Late Feb. allies began ground war –within a week, Iraq accepted allied cease- fire terms – pulled out of Kuwait. Iraqi troops set fire to oil wells as they fled. US celebrated success – Gen. Colin Powell, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Schwarzkopf and Pres. Bush soared in opinion polls.
YUGOSLAVIA 1991 – Republics of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina declared independence. Croatia & Bosnia populated by Serbs – fought to hold on to areas – thousands died in civil war. Atrocities committed outraged world leaders United Nations passed resolution placing boycott on trade with Serbia until the fighting stopped.
Pres. Bush faced banking crisis – Reagan’s term had cut regulations, easing restrictions on savings and loan associations (S&L)- financial institutions that specialized in making loans to buy homes. New laws allowed S&L managers to offer attractive returns to savers for making risky loans. When borrowers could not repay loans, real estate values dropped. S&L companies lost money – gov’t had to pay out billions to customers of failed institutions. Eventually, this cost gov’t $500 billion.
Federal debt rose – business and personal debt grew – by 1990, US in recession. Many people and businesses declared bankruptcy ( condition of being unable to pay one’s debts - selling off everything they owned to pay debt) Job losses – military cutbacks hurt economy People asked gov’t to stimulate economy – Pres. Bush refused; however, he extended unemployment benefits
Created Office of National Drug Control – provided federal agencies to stop drug war. Clean Air Act Americans with Disabilities Act Law - combating job discrimination- required institutions to provide disabled people with easier access to workplaces, communications, transportation, and housing