Issues Frequent transfers of bank officials and rural development officials. Insufficient number of bank branches and understaffing Selection and allotment of activity by block officials/ banks/ DRDA Ignorance and lack of training of PRIs with respect to RD schemes Absence of demand driven training by SIRD. Absence of well conceived project reports regarding key activities adopted under SGSY.
Issues Lack of professional expertise at DRDA/ block level High attrition rate of SHGs and absence of follow up mechanism. Absence of committed NGOs and pool of trainers to sensitise RD officials and beneficiaries about outcome of SGSY. Absence of repeated doses of loans to SHGs (In some places) bankers charge extra documentation and service charges.
Issues Lack of interest on the part of SHGs to use marketing infrastructure meant for selling of finished products. No proper linkages with stakeholders to provide platform for marketing of finished goods. Lack of uniformity in interest rate across banks. Lack of constant monitoring and evaluation mechanism. Lack of training and behavioural reorientation exercise before selection of SHGs and disbursement of subsidy.
Issues Lack of involvement of bankers in grading exercise. Problem of duplication of SHGs due to ineffective monitoring. SGSY presently restricts only to women groups Leakage of subsidy amount Absence of social audit mechanism for SGSY
Way forward SHGs be promoted to select own economic activity and be insisted for self monitoring Banks should open more branches in difficult areas and may go for business correspondent model to address the issue of untimely release of subsidy and loan amount. Government (Central and State) should press for stability of tenure of RD officials and take up issue with banks for stability of tenure of bankers as well. Best practices should be documented well and must be reflected across the country. Reform champions should be identified and promoted as resource persons for other areas
Way forward Banks should be made equal partners in the noble objective of rural development Professionals should be inducted at state/district/block level People’s representatives must be trained about the mechanism of rural development Social audit needs to be conducted to assess outcome Peoples with Disabilities (PWDs) should be given priority as per guidelines of SGSY.
DRDA Administration
Issues 1.Inadequate Staff at district level. 2.Lack of Staff at block & village level. 3.Lack of Professionalism in the existing staff. 4.Capacity Building of DRDA staff. 5.Line departments are reluctant to send officials on deputation to DRDA, For Eg: APO industry, agriculture & animal husbandry etc.
Issues Cont.. 6. Need to increase financial power of PD DRDA. 7. Need to give some kind of funds for construction & maintenance of DRDA building. 8. DRDA needs to support some IT professionals. 9. Adm funds required to be increased to the requirement of DRDA’s. 10. Recruitment rule & service conditions to DRDA staff.
NRLM roll out
Issues in NRLM Roll-out… Targetting—restricted to BPL? Identification of target areas if multiple funding sources Intensive and Non-Intensive Districts—More IEC required Using alternate financial intermediaries like village councils in Nagaland where credit/ bank linkage is an issue.