Weaving a story of poverty in Multnomah County
Per capita income, Portland MSA, US Metro, Multnomah County, Source: Regional Economic Information System, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, Table CA1-3: Personal income, population, per capita income
Portland MSA and Multnomah County average wage as a percent of US metro average wage, Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Percent of jobs by wage, Portland MSA, 2010 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Wage Survey
Federal poverty level vs. household sufficiency standard for specific household types, 2011 Source: The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Oregon by Diana Pearce at University of Washington; US Department of Health & Human Services
Minimum wage as a percentage of wage needed to afford Fair Market Rent in Multnomah County, 2011 Source: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Percent of families below poverty, by type, Multnomah County vs. PMSA, 2010 Source: Based on survey responses collected between 2010 by the American Community Survey, Table S1702
Self-Sufficiency Standard and Federal Poverty Level for Households in Multnomah County, Source: Based on survey responses collected between by the American Community Survey, PUMS data
Unemployment among year olds, Multnomah County, by educational attainment, 2010 Source: 2010 American Community Survey (ACS), Table S2301
Percent of adults with educational attainment of bachelor's degree or higher, four year estimates Source: Based on survey responses collected between by the American Community Survey (ACS)
Percent of households that received cash or SNAP assistance, Source: Based on survey responses collected between by the American Community Survey(ACS)
Children, Adults and Families Supplemental Assistance Program, average monthly benefits, per person, Multnomah County, FY – FY Source: Oregon Department of Human Services Notes: Does not include seniors or people with disabilities
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) One and Two Parent Program Person, Child and Case Count, FY – FY Source: Oregon Department of Human Services
Percent of median household income spent on housing and transportation Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology and survey responses collected between by the American Community Survey
Percentage of home loans that were high cost, Source: Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program