State of Illinois Neighborhood Stabilization Program Illinois Department of Human Services March 2009
Housing & Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) Overview Passed by Congress in July 2008 Included $3.9B Neighborhood Stabilization Fund Objectives: To stabilize communities affected by the foreclosure crisis by assisting with redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes. Requirement: 18 month obligation period + 4 years to complete project
State of Illinois Allocation HUD allocated funds to all 50 states State of Illinois – NSP entitlement communities: $120M – State allocation: $53M – Total to State: $173M CommunityAllocationCommunityAllocation Aurora$3MKane County$3M Chicago$55MLake County$5M Cicero$2MMcHenry County$3M Cook County$28MRockford$2M DuPage County$5MSt Clair County$2M Elgin$2MWill County$5M Joliet$4MTotal$120M
State Partner Agencies Lead Administering Agency – Illinois Department of Human Services Partner Agencies – Illinois Housing Development Authority – Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Overall Goals Stabilize areas hardest hit by foreclosures & property abandonment Target resources towards households earning 50% AMI or less Increase community based housing options for DHS populations Ensure complete obligation of funds within 18 month timeframe
Guiding Principles Direct NSP funds to Comprehensive Housing Plan & other initiatives Target innovation in Long Term Care Rebalancing & supportive housing initiatives Encourage partnerships within & among communities for greatest impact
Guiding Principles, cont. Encourage: Diverse & integrated communities Use of private & public resources Green technology, accessibility, adaptability, & other innovative designs Participation by women & minority owned businesses
Plan Objectives Flexibility: Allow applicants to pursue any eligible activity as defined by HUD Statewide application: Geographic Areas of Need – Non-Entitlement Areas; no direct NSP allocation – CDBG Entitlement Area; no direct NSP allocation – CDBG Entitlement Area; NSP Grantee
Eligible Activities Purchase & Rehabilitation of abandoned or foreclosed homes and residential properties for sale or for rent Financing mechanisms Demolition of blighted structures Land banking of foreclosed property Redevelopment of vacant or abandoned property
Eligible Applicants Units of local government (municipalities, counties, etc) Housing Authorities Non-profit developers and organizations For-profit developers
Evaluation Criteria Address area of greatest need Readiness to proceed Capacity to complete project Community impact Target households under 50% AMI Target priority populations
Priority Populations Goal: Use up to 40% NSP funds to households earning 50% AMI or less – Includes States priority special needs populations Housing objectives: – Accessible for-sale and rental units – Permanent Supportive Housing
Technical Assistance Corporation for Supportive Housing & Supportive Housing Providers Association – Permanent Supportive Housing – Development TA Illinois Assistive Technology Program – Homeownership opportunities for individuals with disabilities Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce – BEP vendor assistance
Next Steps: Timeline Request for Proposals posted Applicant Conferences Application Submission Date Application Review period Approval Notification March 4 Mar May 4 Thru June Early-Mid July
Questions? NSP Website: DHS Contacts: – Kirstin Williams, NSP Project Manager – Dean Martinez Special Advisor to the Secretary for NSP IHDA Contact: – Vanessa Hill