Federal Grant System A dministration for C hildren and F amilies (ACF) Office of Grants Management Health Marriages, Healthy Families and Responsible Fatherhood Conference Auburn University February 4, 2009
Page 2 ACF – Who Are We? The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is the principal federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to oversee programs promoting the well-being of children, families, individuals and communities.
Page 3 Region IV
Page 4 What Programs Does ACF Support? ACF brings together a broad range of over 60 Federal programs that promote the economic and social well being of families, children, individuals and communities. Major program services include: TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Child Support Enforcement Child Welfare Developmental Disabilities Runaway and Homeless Youth Head Start
Page 5 Methods of Federal Assistance There are three forms of award instruments, they are: –Grants: A grant is a federal assistance, in the form of money or property, authorized by Federal law to support programs which the government wishes to encourage. Grants are not benefits or entitlements. –Cooperative agreements: This is where ACF provides financial assistance to the recipient and is a partner in the relationship. –Contracts: A contract is used to acquire property or services for the Federal government's direct benefit or use. DHHS is one of 26 Federal agencies that provide grant opportunities.
Page 6 Who Are The Players in the Grant Process? 1.Congress 2.Federal agencies 3.Applicants, recipients, and sub recipients 4.Beneficiaries 5.Taxpayers 6.Media 7.Interest groups
Page 7 Types of Grants Mandatory –Recipient has enforceable right to receive the assistance –Grant usually determined by a formula prescribed by law or regulation Discretionary –Decision to grant an award rests with the awarding agency –Conditions may be placed on the grant –Specific projects are proposed and approved –Amount is determined through a negotiation agreement –Funded annually at the discretion of Congress
Page 8 Grants Discretionary Demonstration Mandatory Construction Service Research Training Block Open-Ended Close-Ended
Page 9 Discretionary Grant Process Congress Authorizes the program President requests funds: Congress appropriates them. Federal agency may develop program regulations to guide program implementation. Agency advertises availability of funds. Prospective recipient applies for assistance. Agency reviews applications and selects proposals for funding. Recipient conducts approved project; agency monitors the award Process may be repeated for subawards. Agency closes out the award at the end of the project period.
Page 10 Grants Requirements Framework 1.Statutory 2.Program 3.Administrative 4.Internal
Page 11 Grants Requirements Framework (cont.) 1.Statutory Authorization Appropriation National Policy 2.Program Regulations Guidelines
Page 12 Grants Requirements Framework (cont.) 3.Administrative OMB By Agency 4.Internal Executive Order Agency policy manuals
Page 13 What Organizations Receive Grants From ACF? Government Organizations Profit Non Profit Faith based and Community based organizations Special Initiatives – Promote programs that strengthen children, families and communities.
Page 14 Administrative Requirements Govern- ments Non-profitCollegesHospitalsFor-profit Admin. Req’mts A-1022 CFR 215 Cost Principles 2 CFR 225 (A-87) 2 CFR 230 (A-122) 2 CFR 220 (A-21) 45 CFR 74 Appendix E 48 CFR 31.2 (Federal Acquisition Regulations) Audit A CFR 215 (A-110)
Page 15 Funding Opportunities For funding opportunities, go to the following websites: Grants.gov find
Page 16 How Do I Apply for a Grant? Apply by mail Apply On-line ACF Will not accept applications via fax or .
Page 17 The following documents are maintained by the Office of Financial Services Application –SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance –SF-424A Budget Information – Non construction Programs –SF-424C Budget Information - Construction Programs Assurances –SF-424B Non-construction Programs –SF-424D Construction Programs Apply via Mail
Page 18 Apply via Mail (Cont.) Certifications Certification Regarding Lobbying Debarment Certification Drug-free Certification Environmental Tobacco Smoke Disclosures SF LLL Disclosure of lobbying activities Program Description
Page 19 Apply On-Line Obtain DUNS number Register with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) Establish the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) AOR must register on Grants.gov AOR Authorization First, you must do the following:
Page 20 What You Get With Grants.gov Closing date Agency providing the funding Funding opportunity number Number of awards Amount of funding CFDA number Eligible applicants Link to the full announcement
Page 21 What Should You Get From This Presentation? If you leave here today with only one piece of information, that piece should be: Grants.gov
Page 22 Grant.gov was established as a governmental resource named the E-Grant Initiative, part of the President’s 2002 Fiscal Year Management Agenda to improve government services to the public.
Page 23 The concept has its origins in the Federal Financial assistance Management Improvement Act of 11999, also known as Public Law , and is now know as the Grants Policy Committee (GPC).
Page 24 Today, Grants.gov is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards.
Page 25 ATTENTION! Grants.gov does not offer money for personal financial assistance or debt. If you are seeking personal financial assistance such as: Social Security/Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid or State Social Services, please visit: Student Loans, please visit: Small Business Start-up Loans, please visit: This type of individual assistance is NOT available on this website. personal financial assistance
Page 26 Contact Information James Colvin 61 Forsyth Street, Suite 4M60 Atlanta, GA Ph: