Tyra Edgemon
Abolitionist- A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. Amendment- An addition to a formal document such as the Constitution. Ambush- A surprise attack. Antifederalist- Individuals who opposed ratification of the Constitution.
Boycott- To refuse to buy items from a particular country. Burgesses- Elected representatives to an assembly. Boomtown- A community experiencing a sudden growth in business or population. Bond- A note issued by the government which promises to pay off a loan with interest.
Cabinet- A group of advisers to the president. Canal- An artificial waterway. Cash Crop- Farm crop raised to be sold for money. Cede - To give up by treaty.
Debtor- Person or country that owes money. Diversity- Variety or difference. Draft- The selection of persons for required military service. Drought- A long period of time with little rainfall.
Emancipate- To free from slavery. Embargo- An order prohibiting trade with another country. Emigrant- A person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere. Export- To sell goods abroad.
Federal debt- The amount of money owed by the government. Federalist- Supporters of the Constitution. Freedman- A person freed from slavery. Fugitive- Runaway or trying to run away.
Genocide- The deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. Global Warming - A steady increase in average world temperatures. Guerrilla Tactics - Referring to surprise attacks or raids rather than organized warfare. Guerrilla Warfare- A hit and run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes.
Henry Clay- A leading War Hawk from Kentucky. Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1811,and a leader who represented the interest of the western states. Habeas Corpus- A legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned. Horizontal Integration- The combining of competing firms into one corporation. Human Rights- Rights regarded as belonging to all persons, such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution.
Impeach - To formally charge a public official with misconduct in office Imperialism- The actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over smaller or weaker nations. Implied Powers- Powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Import- To buy goods from foreign markets.
Judicial Branch- The branch of government, including the federal court system, that interprets the nation’s laws. Judicial Review- The right of the Supreme Court to determine if a law violates the Constitution. Joint Occupation- The possession and setting of an area shared by two or more countries. Jamestown- The first permanent English settlement, was founded in 1607.
King George III- Was the king of England who disbanded the colonial legislatures, taxed the colonies, and refused the Olive Branch Petition leading to the final break with the colonies. Keller, Helen- She overcame the challenges of an illness that left her deaf, blind, and mute to help others with similar disabilities. Key, Scott Francis- Watched as the bombs burst over Fort McHenry. Deeply moved by patriotic feeling, Key wrote the national anthem “The Star Spangled Banner” Knox, Henry- George Washington chose him to be the Secretary of War.
Lincoln’s fist inaugural address- Stated that, “no state”…can lawfully get out of the “Union”, but pledged there would be no war unless the South started it. Lincoln’s second inaugural address- Was meant to help heal and restore the country after four years of Civil War. Lee, E. Robert- The General of the Confederate Army. Loyalist- American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.
Mayflower Compact- A formal document, written in 1620, that provided law and order to the Plymouth colony. Militia- A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies. Mission- Religious settlement. Manifest Destiny- The idea popular in the United States during the 1800s that the country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific.
National Debt- The amount of money a national government owes to other governments or its people. Neutral- Taking no side in a conflict. Nullify- To cancel or make ineffective. Nullification- Is the idea of a state declaring a federal law illegal.
Ordinance- A law or regulation. Overseer- Person who supervises a large operation or its works. Offensive- Position of attacking or the attack itself. Override- To overturn or defeat, as a bill proposed in Congress.
Partisan- Favoring one side of an issue. Perjury- Lying when one has sworn an oath to tell the truth. Petition- A formal request. Privateer- Armed private ship.
Ratify- To give official approval to. Repeal- To cancel an act or law.