Social Media Strategies of Socially Conscious Businesses Ariel Rivera Tierney Torchin John Berggren Josh Almond
ToMS Shoes & Krochet Kids TOMS Established 6.7 million dollar industry Media focus on cause Work with other non-profits Krochet Kids Education and mentorship program Media focus on product Facebook, Instagram, Blogs
Successful Media Consistent branding across media Lifestyle image Cause related posts vs. product related Use of hashtags #TOMSNepalBoot #KKiOutside Web 2.0: Fan involvement
Kiva & World Vision Micro ● Strong media strategies ● Independent non-profit ● Aims to get an emotional pull ● Strong strategies, weak employment ● Subsidiary non-profit to World Vision ● Business strategy
Successful Media Media is formatted to appeal to the different audiences on each social networking site
SunCycles & Divvy Bikes Demographics Hipsters, students, and tourists. SunCycles New company Minimal use & misuse of Social Media Divvy Bikes Established company Very active and effective use of social media
Successful Media ● Social Interaction ● Hashtags ○ #Divvyon ○ #Divvyween ● Content production
Disabilities Took a very passive role in social media Allocated very little funding to video production Brand recognition of DSUSA is very poor Overall, did not incorporate enough for- profit strategies Took a very active role in social media Allocated significantly more funding to video production Brand recognition of WWP is very high Successfully blended non-profit ideals with for-profit strategies
Successful Media Content Production Video & Social media Community Engagement Via website and social media outlets.
For-Profit ● Rapidly growing industry ● Goals ○ Supporting local and global community. ● Method ○ Pictures. ○ Sell a product that supports a good cause. ● Focus ○ Providing services/goods to those in need. ● Social Interaction ○ Content production (about the brand).
Non-Profit Emotional appeal More important than professionalism However, in some cases too much emotional appeal can hurt the overall effectiveness of the media strategy. Donations Very prevalent, linked on every page Rely on others to fulfill their functions
Crossover Non-profits must act as for-profits Giving out loans Managing those who receive benefits For-profits must act as non- profits Emotional appeal Make the cause look worthwhile Community Development Mutual Benefit