What is Psychology? The study of mind and behaviour Criminal behaviour memory Sex and gender obedienc e How we learn perceptio n Atypical behaviou r
The GCSE Psychology Course 3 module exams – 2 x 40% (1hr 15mins exam) 1 x 20%, (1 hour exam) No Coursework Grades D-G = Foundation Level 1, Grades C-A* = Intermediate Level 2
The GCSE Psychology Course Module 1: Approaches in Psychology 1 Exam May 2011 Biological psychology: sex and gender Cognitive psychology: memory, Developmental psychology: attachment Social psychology: obedience Individual differences: atypical behaviour (phobias e,t,c)
Sex & Gender Biological Psychology
Cognitive Psychology The Nature of Human Memory
Try this …. Time how long it takes to read these words
Why do you think children under 7 are quicker than you at doing this?!! Take the sheet home and try it out on friends and family
Attachments Harry Harlow (1959), was responsible for some of the most controversial experiments to have been performed in animal laboratories. Disturbed female monkeys were forced to breed against their will. Baby monkeys were hung upside down in total darkness for up to two years. So what motivated Harry Harlow to conduct such disturbing experiments? Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology Conformity & Obedience
The work of Milgram and Zimbardo Two very controversial experiments carried out in the 70’s to test obedience to authority Both were ethically controversial. The Zimbardo experiment was stopped after a few weeks. It led to Ethical Committees and Codes to be introduced to safeguard participants taking part in Psychology experiments.
Individual Differences Atypical Behaviour Phobias
The GCSE Psychology Course Module 2: Approaches in Psychology 2 May/June 2012 Biological psychology: criminal behaviour (criminal personality, measures of crime) Cognitive psychology: perception Developmental psychology: cognitive development Social psychology: Non-verbal communication Individual differences: The self (free will, counselling) (1hr 15mins exam)
Perception zvzA zvzA v5ho v5ho
The GCSE Psychology Course Module 3: Research in Psychology Exam Jan 2012 Discover, learn about and experience, first hand, the research process: Planning research Doing research Analysing research Planning an investigation Assessed by a 1 hour Written examination (20%)
What to expect … Psychology is fun, but not an easy option! We do reading and writing including short essays and tests. Psychology is a science so we do experiments and write them up – including doing graphs, averages e.t.c It is not a counselling course! You will do a variety of activities e.g. quizzes, research and presentations, watch videos, answer questions from the book, posters and the odd game!!
Activities Trying out famous Psychology experiments. Videos Discussions Practice exam questions Possible trips and Zoo Interactive activities on computer Quizzes
Who will enjoy this subject? If you are curious about what makes people tick If you are interested in why we behave as we do you will enjoy this course.
How can I use it? You will learn skills that would be beneficial to a wide range of careers e.g.. Education Child Care The Police Force The Health Service Social Work, Sport the list is endless!
Expectations BLOG Posted every week with homework tasks, powerpoints/notes, Sometimes quizzes, video clips
Expectations In class – On time Coats off No MP3’s, mobile phones Bring correct equipment – text book, exercise book, pen, pencil, ruler, calculator Listen carefully (no talking unless invited to do so – put up hand!!) Allow others to work (no distractions!)
Expectations Class work – No graffiti inside or outside of book Underline last piece of work Title and date (top right) underlined Copy BATs neatly on arrival Classwork (CLWK) or homework (HWK) labelled in top margin Blue or black ink for writing, pencil for drawing/tables/graphs
Expectations Homework – 45 mins-1 hour per week Set every week Hand in by deadline (2 missed deadlines = department detention!) Marked at least every fortnight. Homework (HWK) labelled in top margin Title and date (top right) underlined Use blog to catch up and reminder of homework task Ask for alternative if no access to school blog or use school library