FADE IN: EXTERIOR SCHOOLYARD - DAY Milton, covered in mud, sadly lugs his tuba case down the sidewalk. He walks by the school's track, just as JOSH NORTH runs past him. FOLLOW JOSH as he runs across the finish line. Coach Crusher stands with HAL. Hal presses the stop button on a stopwatch and shows it to Coach. Coach smiles as Josh walks up to him. COACH CRUNCHER Great job, Josh! You trimmed ten seconds off your best time. You'll make the track team this year for sure. HAL Way to go, Josh! Josh smiles at Hal. Josh and Hal give each other a high five. NEW ANGLE: JOSH passes Brick, Koz, and Snoog, who are tossing a football around. Brick tosses the ball to Josh. BRICK Hey, Josh-ster. That was a great mile you ran. Maybe we'll have a good track team this year. Koz and Snoog laugh SNOOG A good track team! Good one, Brick! BRICK That wasn't a joke, you dweebs! Koz and Snoog immediate clam up. JOSH Yeah...hope we do have a good team this year. Josh tosses the football back to Brick, and walks O.S. CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE THE LOCKER ROOM - DAY Josh walks to the locker room. He wipes his face with the towel. As the towel is over his eyes, he BUMPS into RAVEN. Raven drops her books, and they both fall to the ground. RAVEN Wooah! JOSH Oh! I'm really sorry. Raven adjusts her glasses and watches as Josh pulls the towel from his head in SLO-MO. Music plays. It's a magical moment, as Raven sees Josh's face. Raven's eyes go wide: He's gorgeous! Josh sees Raven and looks embarrassed. RAVEN H...h... JOSH (nervously) Are...are you OK? He helps Raven to her feet. RAVEN Yeah, I guess! JOSH Here, let me help. Sorry. Guess I'm gonna have to watch where I'm going. RAVEN Yeah. Josh picks up Raven's books, and piles them into her arms. He hurries off, leaving the towel on the ground. Just then, ZEE, LASA, and HAL arrive. RAVEN Who was that? LASA That was Josh. RAVEN Josh? Josh North? Wasn't Josh that skinny kid who Thor picked on last year? ZEE Guess he, like, grew up. HAL I'll say! He grew three inches over the summer. And now he just ran his best mile ever. ZEE Guess all that running for his life last year really paid off. Raven picks Josh's towel up off the ground and holds it. RAVEN I can't believe that's really Josh North. He's like, three-alarm cute. FADE OUT.
Why do you think that Josh was surprised that Brick was so nice to him? A) Brick bullies a lot of kids. B) Josh and Brick had never been friends. C) He didn't think Brick knew his name. Why do you think most kids are scared of Brick? A) He's pretty big and mean. B) He has a couple of thugs for friends. C) Because he's good at sports. Are kids who bully always bigger than other kids? A) Yes B) No.
If you were Josh and watched a group of kids stomp on someone's lunch, what could you do to help? A) Not much. I'd be out-numbered. B) I could throw food at Brick. Maybe other kids would join in. C) I could tell Brick to cut it out. C) That's probably a good idea. Who would you tell? Other students? Adults at school? How much courage do you think it would take for Josh to stand up for Milton while Brick and his gang are squashing Milton's lunch? A) Not much. It's no big deal. B) A lot.
What about after Brick and the gang leave? What could Josh and Raven do to help Milton? A) They could help him clean up his squashed lunch. B) They could ask Milton to sit with them. C) They could tell Milton that they don't think it's right that he's being picked on. D) They could tell an adult. What does Josh mean when he says he was "suffering from an attack of deja-vu?" A) Deja-vu is an illness caused by eating cafeteria food. B) He had a "flash-back" and remembered how he had been bullied when he was younger-just like Milton. C) He has a crush on Raven.