Ahh, The Power of Cheese Auburndale High School Auburndale, WI Kate Raab & Andrea Lang
Brie and Camembert n BREE and CAMEMBERT n French decent creamy and pale colored n Bloomy rind comes from the Penicillium Candidum, a white mold applied to the surface. Formed into wheels. n Napoleon was so delighted in his first taste of Camembert, he kissed the waitress who served it.
Mozzarella n Origins in Italy. n #1 Cheese used in the food industry. n First made from the milk of the Water Buffalo. n Curds are kneaded or stretched. n Formed into balls or logs. n White soft elastic tears into strips.
Provolone n Pro-vo-lo’neh n A different culture is used in Provolone than mozzarella to make a fuller taste. n Firm texture full flavor more flavor than Mozzarella n Comes in cannonball shapes
Colby n A lovely cheese from the great state of Wisconsin! n Guess which city it is from? Founded 1874 n Fresh form is known as the favorite treat, CURDS!! n Curds are sprayed with cold water and stirred to keep them from knitting together. n Pressed into shape
Edam and Gouda n Goo-dah EE-dum n Dutch origins n Wheel or wedge shape n Buttery flavor n Wax covering- red, black, or yellow flavoring is indicated by the color n Light Buttery nutty, with smooth creamy texture
Cheddar n Only Cheese produced in US prior to n Accounts for 1/2 of all Cheese in the U.S. n English Origins n Aging makes the flavor n Medium, mild, sharp, and aged n Cheddaring process is used to matte the curd n Interior is usually yellow but can be white n Exterior can come in three colors, clear mild, Red suggests medium, Black suggests sharp
Brick n Origins in Wisconsin n Semi Hard n Has small and irregular holes n Sweet, spicy, and nutty flavor n Is a relative of Limburger, which has a pungent aroma n It gains aroma with age
Swiss n Origin in Switzerland, Americans copied the recipe and gave it a tune up. n Characterized by Holes n Flavor is sweet and nut-like n Baby Swiss is aged less yielding smaller holes
Parmesan n Origins in Italy n hard cheese n Wheel, wedge, or powder n Available fresh or in the “Can” n One of the most popular cheeses in the World
Muenster n Mun’-ster n Origins in France n semi soft n Orange or white surface; creamy white interior. n Wheels or loafs