Jack Friery1 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class One
Jack Friery2 Outline Congress Federal agencies Contract authority GAO Acquisition methods
Jack Friery3 Congress Appropriates Appropriation/Authorization Laws Anti-deficiency Act Passes Acquisition Laws FPASA ASPA CICA
Jack Friery4 Federal Agencies Promulgate procurement regulations (FAR & agency supplements) Execute programs Hear contract claims via Boards of Contract Appeal
Jack Friery5 Contract Authority Government agents must have actual authority Commercial organizations may be bound by persons with apparent authority Ratification
Jack Friery6 GAO Audits Investigates Hears bid protests
Jack Friery7 Acquisition Methods CICA demands “full & open competition” (with exceptions) Sealed bidding Negotiated acquisition Simplified acquisition Commercial item acquisition
Jack Friery8 Contractor Qualification Responsibility Defined Who decides? Large businesses Small businesses
Jack Friery9 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Two
Jack Friery10 Outline Contract types FP Cost Other contract types Sealed bidding Competitive negotiation
Jack Friery11 Type of Specification Drives Contract Type Design spec Performance spec Milspec/federal spec Industry spec (e.g. ISO 9000) “Brand name or equal”
Jack Friery12 Contract Types—Fixed-Price Fixed-price FFP FP/EPA FPI
Jack Friery13 Contract Types—Cost Cost-type Cost & cost-sharing CPIF CPAF CFPP CPPC?
Jack Friery14 Another Look at Types IDIQ T&M LH BOA Requirements contract MAS (GSA) GWACs
Jack Friery15 Sealed Bidding Conditions for use Bidding & responsiveness Award Contract type Firm bid rule Late bids
Jack Friery16 Competitive Negotiation Conditions for Use Process RFP/RFQ Proposal Discussions Evaluation & award (“best value,” past performance, debriefing, etc.)
Jack Friery17 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Three
Jack Friery18 Outline Protests Socioeconomic issues Subcontracting
Jack Friery19 Protests Defined Forums Timeframes Grounds
Jack Friery20 “Protest” Defined FAR : “A written objection by an interested party…” to a solicitation or a proposed award.
Jack Friery21 Protest Forums Contracting Officer GAO Court of Federal Claims
Jack Friery22 Protest Timeframes Preaward Postaward
Jack Friery23 Protest Grounds Failure to follow announced rules No reasonable basis Bias?
Jack Friery24 Socioeconomic Topics Small Business SDBs & 8(a) firms HUBzones Affirmative action Labor standards Buy American Drug-free workplace/workforce
Jack Friery25 Subcontracts Privity CPSR & consent to subcontracts Subcontract clauses & flowdowns
Jack Friery26 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Four
Jack Friery27 Outline Costs Payments/Financing Intellectual Property
Jack Friery28 Costs Why & when significant? Cost principles Allowability & Allocability & Reasonableness Particular costs Cost accounting standards Truth in Negotiations Act
Jack Friery29 Payment & Financing Prompt Payment Act Contract financing Partial payments Progress payments Advance payments
Jack Friery30 Intellectual Property What is it? Who owns it? Two sets of clauses: DOD Non-DOD
Jack Friery31 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Five
Jack Friery32 Outline Fraud & Ethics Specifications Government Property
Jack Friery33 Fraud Civil false claims Qui tam Criminal false claims False statements Major Fraud Act
Jack Friery34 Ethics Kickbacks Bribes & gratuities Procurement Integrity Act Byrd Amendment Suspension & debarment
Jack Friery35 Specifications “Warranty” of specs Impossibility/impracticability Substantial performance
Jack Friery36 Government Property GPF Risk of loss
Jack Friery37 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Seven
Jack Friery38 Outline Changes Delays Equitable adjustments
Jack Friery39 Changes Types of changes allowed In scope? Cardinal changes Duty to proceed Commercial contract rule
Jack Friery40 “Constructive” Changes Contract ambiguities Government failure to cooperate Bad specs Nondisclosure Acceleration
Jack Friery41 Delays Government Stop-work orders “Constructive” delays Force majeure—excusable delays
Jack Friery42 Equitable Adjustments Defined “Adjustments” compared Proving claims Total cost claims
Jack Friery43 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Eight
Jack Friery44 Outline Inspection T for D T for C
Jack Friery45 Inspection Clauses: commercial vs. government Certificate of conformance Place & costs Rejection/correction Acceptance & finality Warranties
Jack Friery46 T for D Clauses Basis & cure notices Force majeure Government waiver Government remedies
Jack Friery47 T for C Why the right? Commercial contracts? Flowdown Christian doctrine Procedures
Jack Friery48 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Nine
Jack Friery49 Outline Simplified contracting Commercial contracting Claims & Disputes
Jack Friery50 Simplified Contracting Dollar thresholds Soliciting bids Oral solicitations <$25k Simplified evaluation schemes Local businesses At least three sources
Jack Friery51 Commercial Contracting Definitions: “of a type” Streamlined solicitation & simplified evaluation Only FFP, FPEPA, or (some) incentive contracts Unique T’s & C’s: FAR —or negotiate others
Jack Friery52 Claims & Disputes Contract Disputes Act of ’78 Disputes Clause Defined: does not include routine requests for payment Time for submission Prime/sub Certificate & Interest accrual
Jack Friery53 Legal Aspects of Government Contracts-- SDSU Class Ten
Jack Friery54 Outline Claims & Disputes Appeals to BCAs PL
Jack Friery55 Claims & Disputes Contract Disputes Act of ’78 Disputes Clause Defined: does not include routine requests for payment Time for submission Prime/sub Certificate & Interest accrual
Jack Friery56 Claims & Disputes (con’t) Contracting Officer decision Timing Content BCA appeal COFC appeal Contractor duty to proceed
Jack Friery57 Boards of Contract Appeal COD Notice of Appeal Jurisdiction Complaint & Answer Discovery—the Rule 4 file Hearing ADR?
Jack Friery58 ADR Resources Electronic Guide to Federal Government ADR— Air Force ADR Toolkit— olkit/adr/menu.html American Arbitration Association Website—
Jack Friery59 Extraordinary Relief PL
Jack Friery60 Conclusion Wrap-up Questions