U Building Area: (sf) 9300 sf Anticipated date of completion: 2010 Location of Project: Sarasota, Florida Type of Project: Public Safety Construction materials, mechanical systems or other pertinent information: Metal exterior skin Brick veneer Scheduled to achieve LEED Silver Program Requirements: The project, a new Fire Station located in Sarasota County, Florida consists of demolition of the existing 3,773 sq. ft. building built in 1968, and construction of a new 9,300 sq. ft., two-story LEED Certified fire station situated along a busy arterial road. The Fire Station will serve as a Disaster Deployment Center built to withstand Category 5 hurricane winds. The facility is scheduled to open in 2010 and will provide Fire and EMS services. The building is designed to meet the 2030 Challenge Resolution # with minimum delivered fossil-fuel energy consumption performance standard being one-half the U.S. average for that building type as defined by the U.S. Department of Energy. This project will incorporate the use of flexible fuels per the Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Resolution # of Sarasota County. Construction is comprised of spread foundations and reinforced concrete masonry walls, elevated precast floor systems, integral colored flooring, and pre-engineered metal roof framing/ panels. The exterior is a combination of jumbo brick, Portland cement plaster and metal panels. The bay area features fast acting 4-fold sideways-acting 14 ft. square door systems. The following LEED approaches are incorporated into the design: Use of highly reflective cool paving and roof surfaces A solar water heater system, Installation of a rainwater harvesting system for bay washing and toilet flushing High efficiency split system HVAC units yielding 6/10 Energy and Atmosphere (EA) points A water use reduction of 70%+ over baseline 1992 EPA standards Low VOC materials.
U Night view from northwest
U Worm’s eye view northwest
U View from southwest
U Entrance
U Bird’s eye view
U Current site neighborhood
U Entrance elevation
U North elevation
N U Ground floor plan (existing, remodel)
N U Second floor dormitory area (new build)
Project Name: Fire Station Number 12 Project Location: Sarasota County Owner/Client: Sarasota County Government Sarasota Center Blvd. Sarasota, Florida Attn: Kim Humphrey Architect(s) of Record, Contractors, Consultants and any other participants: Architect of Record: Arif Abdulla Design Architect: Jerry Sparkman, AIA, NCARB Civil: AM Engineering Structural: Wilson Structural Engineering Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Fire Protection: ME3 Engineering Contact Person: Jerry Sparkman, AIA, NCARB TOTeMS Architecture, Inc Main St. Sarasota, FL U097.x Project Identification Slide This slide will not be seen by the jury. Please fill out the information requested to the left. As with other slides please set the correct Entry Number above; OK to leave slide# as “x” Note: on this slide if you run out of space please adjust font size as necessary or move more information to the second column. DO NOT add a slide. Upload your information to the designated FTP site on the instructions slide. Your entries must be received by 11:59 PM on April 16. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Photographer(s): (please list which specific slides get credited to each photographer(s) listed) NA By making this submittal, each entrant agrees that the information contained on the Project Identification slide is correct and complete and that the entrant will hold AIA Florida harmless for any and all damage arising out of its use of the information on this sheet and in this submittal. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the entrant.