Guerino Mazzola (Fall 2015 © ): Music Freshman Seminar IINTRODUCTION I.2 (W Sept 09) Music Oniontology Ontology = ways of being, of existing Oniontology = ways of coming into being Oniontology = ways of coming into being
Guerino Mazzola (Fall 2015 © ): Music Freshman Seminar The Ontology of Music poiesis neutral level aesthesis (composer) (work) (listener) physical physical psychological psychologicalsymbolic expressionsignificationcontentsigns realities communication
Guerino Mazzola (Fall 2015 © ): Music Freshman Seminar The Oniontology of Music Facts signs realities communication Processes Gestures
Guerino Mazzola (Fall 2015 © ): Music Freshman Seminar Music embodies meaningful communication and mediates physically between its emotional and symbolic layers. embodiment signs communication realities