Czech – UNDP Trust Fund March 2007 Emerging Donors Workshop in Budapest Hana Kosová (UNDP Regional Centre Bratislava, Programme Associate to the Czech – UNDP Trust Fund)
Czech – UNDP Trust Fund - context Czech – UNDP Trust Fund linked to the Emerging Donors Initiative programme within UNDP CTF’s high level integration with UNDP regional / national programming
Czech – UNDP Trust Fund - Legal basis I Cost-sharing Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the Regional Centre of United Nations Development Programme in Bratislava Contribution sent by the Czech Republic to Bratislava Regional Centre for direct implementation in 2006 was 18 million CZK (2006 exchange rate = cca 780,000 USD)
Czech – UNDP Trust Fund - Legal basis II Cost-sharing Agreement includes Terms of Reference – all documents available at the website ToR: practical details, rules for using the money the current system may be changed – a new contract CR – UN/UNDP ???
Thematic areas HIV/AIDS prevention environmental issues - above all: Czech experience with ecological legacy problems (hot spots) and other areas of Czech good practice good governance, support for transformation into democratic states and related issues – institutional capacity building, parliamentary democracy Czech experience with economic transformation
Project pipeline UNDP Country Offices and Bratislava Regional Centre projects staff seek support to their existing projects beneficiaries (governments, state institutions in the target countries) asking for help, preparation of policy documents, capacity building – requests usually go via UNDP COs follow-up of the topics from the previous years ideas coming from implementing organizations based on their contacts and experience – a special open ‘call for proposals’
Target countries no strictly defined priorities coherent with the “geographical” coverage of the Bratislava Regional Centre at same time efforts to take into account geographical priorities of the Czech Republic (approved by the governmental decree) EU member states or official candidates excluded
Implementing subjects “Czech” element – basic rule of the CTF Czech NGOs / private companies (legal entities registered in the Czech Republic) Czech individual consultants (Czech nationals)
Forms of support Study tours / workshops to the CR Workshops / trainings in the beneficiaries' countries On-the-spot research / feasibility study / learning by doing Individual consultations, analyses, project proposal preparation …
“Secondment” useful from practical point of view: direct daily contact with UNDP three persons’ salaries paid from the CTF contribution in 2006/07:Programme Officer in Moldova 2 Programme Associates in Bratislava (cooperation with EU, CTF projects and EDI support) CR’s role as a donor and CTF visible future: ? more Czech people in the UN structures ?
Rules All procurement – according to UNDP rules Open tender or justified waiver Simpler procedure for individual consultants One implementing subject cannot altogether get more than 15% of the total budget during one budget period (e.g. 2005: cca 80,000 USD) 15% rules applies also to combination of different types of contracts (e.g. organization plus its experts hired individually) Co-financing preferred (from UNDP’s projects, beneficiaries’ national institutions etc.)
CTF thematic areas in 2006 (according to budget)
Examples of implementation II HIV/AIDS Regional workshop for policy makers from CIS / Balkans on HIV/AIDS prevention Study tours for experts from Zakarpatian Ukraine region on preventive measures for injection drug users and sex workers in the context of HIV/AIDS
Examples of implementation III Good Governance and Economic Transformation Regional Workshop for Ombudsmen Balkan countries: study tours/workshops for parliamentarians, public administration and NGOs on local and regional development Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan – study tours on local governance, government finance Serbia – study tour on managing EU funds Kyrgyzstan – participation of a Czech expert on parliamentary workshop participation of Czech experts on workshop of EPIN (Economic Policy Institutions Network)
Examples of implementation III Environment Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia: waste management (study tours, workshops, consultancy, policy making – new waste legislation) Uzbekistan – consultancy on energy efficiency (public lighting) Balkan countries: energy audits for Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia, site clean-up of ecological damages (e.g. Feasibility Study for Lojane Mine – Macedonia, Serbia – Belgrade city – Cukaracki Rukavac clean-up, Albania – Patos Marinza oil fields clean-up) Ukraine, Belarus, Albania – Kyoto protocol implementation policy
Hana Kosová UNDP Regional Centre Bratislava