Urban Partnership Agreement Summary August 27, 2007
Urban Partnership Agreement US DOT Initiative to Fight Congestion Up to $1.1 Billion in Capital Grant funds made available Four strategies –Congestion Pricing (Tolling) –Transit –Telecommuting –Technology
UPA Finalists New York$345.5M Miami$ 62.9M Seattle$138.7M San Francisco$158.7M Minneapolis/St Paul$133.3 M
UPA Timeline Federal funds released: - $1.6M to MnDOT; $13.2M for 35W North Legislative authorities required - within 90 days of next session opening - 20% local match Release of remaining federal funds Sept 30, 2009 Implementation –Downtown Mpls by Dec 31, 2009
Minnesota UPA Summary Tolling/Congestion Pricing Proven success of the I-394 conversion to HOT lanes Conversion of the I-35W HOV lanes to HOT lanes Implement a system of Priced Dynamic Shoulder Lanes (PDSL) Technology Proven leader in ITS development. Congestion Pricing Transit Improvements Telecommuting Transit Enhancements Accelerate Bus Rapid Transit Expansion of express bus and park and ride facilities Downtown Minneapolis Transit Fare Incentives Telecommuting Partner with local Fortune 500 companies Model after Best Buy’s Results-only Work Environment (ROWE)
Minnesota UPA Partners Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan Council Metro Transit Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Hennepin, Dakota, Scott and Anoka Counties City of Minneapolis University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
Congestion Pricing I-35W HOV to HOT Conversion –Existing HOV Lane from Burnsville Pkwy to I-494 –Future HOV Lane from I-494 to 46 th St currently under construction. I-35W Northbound Priced Dynamic Shoulder Lane North of 46 th St
Congestion Management Planning Study Study identified low cost projects that can have a significant impact on reducing congestion. As part of the original UPA submittal, 10 CMPS projects were included in the application. Only 1 project included in final scope –I-35W Southbound Lane Add from 106 th St to Hwy 13
UPA Goals Reduce Congestion Improve transit service Increase attractiveness of transit service Provide options for commuters –Transit –HOT Lanes –Telecommute
I-35W Priced Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
Dynamic Shoulder Lane North of 46 th St Maintains Existing 4 Lanes with an added HOT Lane. Extends the BRT/HOT to Downtown.
United Kingdom M42 Example
Lane Control Signal Use During Incidents
I-35W Transit
Regional Transitways Plan –Cedar Ave BRT Complete funding to advance more stations and park & rides into Phase 1 (Cedar Grove, Palomino, 140 th St, 147 th St, 180 th St.) Improve bus flow from NB Hwy 77 to WB Hwy 62 –I-35W BRT Construct priced dynamic shoulder lanes to extend HOV advantage from 46 th Street north to downtown Minneapolis Advance Existing Projects
Improve Downtown Transit Speed
Implement ITS technologies to make transit more convenient –Bus arrival time information –Congestion condition information –Parking availability information Provide dynamic fare pricing –Reduces fares during periods of greatest congestion Increase Transit Attractiveness
Provide more park & ride spaces at new or expanded lots –650 spaces on I-35W South; 620 spaces on I-35W North Purchase new buses to operate additional park & rides service Advance funding of Cedar Avenue BRT park & rides and transit stations Increase Transit Capacity