“ The Most Dangerous Game” Essay (copy this!) This will be 4 paragraphs: an intro, 2 body paragraphs, and a conclusion that discusses a theme Connell is revealingTHROUGH the characterization of Rainsford. Topic: What are Rainsford’s 2 strongest character traits AND how do they affect his situation? Go beyond plot. Get into analysis of character and, ultimately, the message(s) Connell is trying to teach us THROUGH Rainsford’s struggle.
Rules for initial thesis statement: 1. Author, character, and “title of story” must be included. 2. Your two best traits must be in it 3. NEW: you must tell what these two traits help him ultimately do.
Sample Thesis Statements What was Tom Benecke trying to do in “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets” ? (goals – primary/secondary) What skills did he use to accomplish this? Sample thesis: In “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets,” by Jack Finney, Tom Benecke’s DESPERATION and STRENGTH enable him to break through the window and change his life. *notice that the whole “change his life” thing implies a message/theme the author is trying to get across THROUGH Tom’s struggles.
Samples, continued… What was Mr. Underhill trying to do, ultimately? What skills did he use to accomplish this? Sample thesis: The false wizard Mr. Underhill, in Ursula Le Guin’s “The Rule of Names,” employs magical powers as well as his cunning nature in order to maintain the secret of his true identity and hide his treasure.
Samples, continued… What was General Zaroff’s goal and what traits did he use to accomplish this? Thesis: In “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, the nefarious General Zaroff reveals an attitude of extreme self-entitlement and an aggressively competitive, sadistic nature as he attempts to maintain dominance of Ship-Trap Island.
What is the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence? Thesis statements are for the whole essay; topic sentences begin each paragraph, but are related to one element of the overall thesis. So, the thesis is a roadmap to your whole paper, while the TS is a roadmap to that paragraph.
Each of these Topic Sentences sets up a body paragraph w/a specific goal in mind. ALL sentences in your paragraph will relate back to the TS. The paragraph will follow the 8 sentence, 2 chunk format, unless you’re getting A’s in writing currently. Sample Topic Sentences Mr. Underhill undergoes a test of endurance in his struggle to conceal his true identity. Walter Mitty’s daydreams reveal that he craves respect from the world around him because in real life, he faces constant criticism and fears inadequacy. In Walter Mitty’s daydreams, he often portrays himself as a well-respected, highly skilled, fearless role model because in reality, he is treated as a worthless and unintelligent wallflower by his wife and society. (from period 4, 2013) General Zaroff demonstrates his ruthlessness while hunting Rainsford on the island.
Some basic things to remember You must have the Anchoring the CD’s chart done before you can do the next step, which is the outline You are using one trait per body paragraph; so both traits will be in your thesis statement, but each TS will focus on only one trait. We are fleshing out the body paragraphs before we do the opening and closing paragraphs. All CD’s must be direct quotes, w/proper MLA format and TLQ (or TLCD, as it’s also known)
Next Steps Get out your Anchoring the CD’s chart Pick your best two traits; these are the ones that have the best support. Pick your best CD’s for each trait; be sure they happen in different parts of the story to give a fuller characterization to Rainsford. Create a thesis statement and topic sentences to go with your traits. Remember, each trait = one body paragraph. Plug them into the outline. You are NOT required to do CM’s at this point; you are organizing the focus of your ¶’s and your support. Come get the outline handout & locate a highlighter, please.