EOGEO Workshop Report WGISS 23
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 2 Overview EOGEO TT Profile EOGEO 2006 Workshop –CEOS was a “sponsor” for FOSS4G2006 in Lausanne EOGEO 2007 Workshop –New plans based on CEOS-level activity?
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 3 EOGEO TT Profile EOGEO TT Profile is up to date on
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 4 EOGEO Venues to date EOGEO th International WWW Conference in ParisEOGEO 1996 EOGEO WashingtonEOGEO 1997 EOGEO SalzburgEOGEO 1998 EOGEO Springfield, VirginiaEOGEO 1999 EOGEO University College LondonEOGEO 2000 EOGEO New Brunswick, CanadaEOGEO 2001 EOGEO JRC, Ispra, ItalyEOGEO 2002 EOGEO University College LondonEOGEO 2004 EOGEO Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAEOGEO 2005 EOGEO FOSS4G 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland.EOGEO 2006
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 5 EOGEO Workshops Developer oriented –Presentations are technical –Presented by technical developers Cutting edge –Abstracts due ~1-2 months before conference –Presentations, not papers, due at conference Demonstrations welcome –Specific demo sessions for interactions among developers
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 6 EOGEO 2006 Workshop FOSS4G Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics –Lausanne Switzerland –September 12-15, 2006 –Large conference 400+ attendees 183 Abstracts received, most accepted CEOS WGISS EOGEO is co-organizing, there was no specific EOGEO track. Themes of interest to WGISS were integrated into the tracks. Note: This site is down as of May 2… material to be moved to the OSGeo.org web site, and foss4g2006.org to be renewed…
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 7 Hosts/Sponsors (1 of 2)
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 8 Hosts/Sponsors (2 of 2)
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 9 FOSS4G --> OSGeo.org Newly formed OSGeo (Open Source Geospatial Foundation, will be the future host of FOSS4G series conference in Victoria – –September 24-27, 2007
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 10 Discussion about EOGEO 2007 CEOS-level interest in a conference Discussion has been via
WGISS 23 EOGEO Workshop Report 11 Allan’s opinions… EOGEO Workshops have been a very valuable outreach activity for CEOS/WGISS. –During the height of popularity, EOGEO Workshops were filling an unmet need. –Developers of WGISS-relevant software needed a venue FOSS4G conferences are attracting large numbers –Provides a new venue that is quite similar to EOGEO Workshops There seems to be a new, unmet need at CEOS/WGISS –This need seems to be somewhat different, possibly less developer-oriented. Recommendation –Encourage WGISS participants to engage at developer level via FOSS4G. –Work with CEOS, other WG-groups to define new conference –Consider a “technology” liaison to continue to bring in fresh ideas from venues such as FOSS4G