Interoperable Communication System Funding in Minnesota Steve Peterson City of Bloomington, Minnesota
Why I’m involved
1991 – Study of Twin Cities radio system needs 1995 – Metro Radio Board created 1998 – Contract with Motorola for system 2002 – System operational 2002 – Legislature requests plan for statewide system 2003 – Statewide plan approved Timeline
Phase 1 completedPhase 1 completed Phase 2 & 3 in progressPhase 2 & 3 in progress Phase 4-6 planned, not fundedPhase 4-6 planned, not funded Plan Phasing
Statewide Radio Board oversees implementation of planoversees implementation of plan 21 members representing state agencies, local units of government, first responder groups, and regional radio boards21 members representing state agencies, local units of government, first responder groups, and regional radio boards Governance
Regional Radio Boards Created by local units of government in a regionCreated by local units of government in a region Implement local improvements within their reasonImplement local improvements within their reason Can collect revenue to fund their operationsCan collect revenue to fund their operations Governance
State builds basic backboneState builds basic backbone Locals contribute for local enhancementsLocals contribute for local enhancements Users buy their own radiosUsers buy their own radios Operating costs collected from usersOperating costs collected from users Sales tax exemption for equipmentSales tax exemption for equipment Funding model
Phase 1 Funding - Backbone SourceAmount State GO Bonding $ 7,500,000 Trunk Highway Funds (gas tax) $ 7,500, Revenue Bonds (4 cent 911 fee) $ 13,300,000 Metro Transit (via Metro Council GO Bonding) $ 3,000,000 Accumulated 911 fee and interest $ 4,700,000 Total $ 36,000,000
Phase 1 Funding – Local Enhancements SourceAmount Hennepin County $ 19,000,000 Carver County $ 2,400,000 City of Minneapolis $ 5,800,000 North Memorial $ 250,000 Metropolitan Council $ 2,400,000 Other $ 3,000,000 Total $ 32,850,000
Phase 1 Funding – Subscriber Equipment SourceAmount Locals $ unknown
Phase 2 Funding – Local Enhancements SourceAmount Anoka County $ 6,300,000 Homeland Security (Anoka) $ 2,078,753 Hennepin County $ 3,300,000 Homeland Security (Hennepin) $ 4,463,873 Homeland Security (Dakota) $ 4,480,000 Homeland Security (Ramsey) $ 4,290,000
Phase 2 Funding – Subscriber Equipment SourceAmount Homeland Security (HSEM) $ 7,500,000 Locals $ unknown
Operating Cost Allocation
2007 Local Operating Costs Metro Region (MESB) Users User Class Annual Cost No Subsystem $ Integrated Subsystem $ Full Subsystem $ Interop Only $ Assumes Motorola subscriber equipment
2007 Local Operating Costs Bloomington DescriptionAmount Dispatch Console Access $ 545 Radio Access Charges (392 radios) $ Funding source: property taxes
911 trunk system Pay as you go system enhancements Operating cost buydown 911 Fee Allocation
Take money where you can get itTake money where you can get it Work for a recurring revenue source that doesn’t require an appropriationWork for a recurring revenue source that doesn’t require an appropriation 911 fee License plate fee Recurring fees can be leveraged via revenue bondingRecurring fees can be leveraged via revenue bonding Planning positions you for grant opportunitiesPlanning positions you for grant opportunities Host the OlympicsHost the Olympics Work with your Congressional representativesWork with your Congressional representatives Consider vendor ownershipConsider vendor ownership Lessons Learned
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