%to Plant Chris G Mfg Sq Footage Reduction MFG Sales $/ Sq Ft. 6S Scorecards Production Bill Breen Attendance Point Sys MFG Sales$/ Employee Labor as % of MFG Sales Labor $/ Sq Foot Purchasing Jenn PPI/ Commodity CR Total $ Inv Inventory Turns Material as % of MFG Sales Shipping Dave On Time Deliveries $$$ available To Ship Quality Chris G PPM Supplier Incidents Warranty Claims Scrap $ Lean Initiatives Chris G Plant 6S Kaizen Events % Most Improved
Mfg Sq Ft Reduction -Sq ft available/Sq ft actually used to manufacture products in house after Kaizen event. Mfg Sales $/Production Employee -Sales consisting of ALL manufactured products in house. Does not include purchased products such as Dust Deputy, Dust Bins or Resale of Ductwork/ALL hourly production personnel. Mfg Sales $/Sq Ft.- Sales consisting of ALL manufactured products in house. Does not include purchased products such as Dust Deputy, Dust Bins or Resale of Ductwork/Actual mfg floor space used to manufacture them. Sales $ & Mfg Sales $- ALL Oneida sales & ONLY sales consisting of manufactured products in house. Does not include purchased products such as Dust Deputy, Dust Bins or Resale of Ductwork. Labor $/Sq Ft.- ALL hourly production personnel/Actual mfg floor space used.
October 2011
NAMEMTWTFSSu Ken Sonya Paul Ross Mell Cathy Jesse Roger Ken D. Douglas 5S Workplace Organization Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain Good 5S practices results in SAFETY the 6 th S
6S training for ALL employees Training of Workplace Checklist Audits will be conducted weekly Weekly Scores will be posted Most improved by Month will be Rewarded Monthly Action plans will be reviewed during weekly audits World Class 6S=20……….Oneida Goal 40