Tuesday, May 6, 2014 World Asthma Day is an annual awareness-raising event organized and sponsored by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). For more information please visit
World Asthma Day, 2014 Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways Asthma is a SERIOUS disease that can’t be cured but can be CONTROLLED
World Asthma Day, 2014 Asthma is common – but it is Under-recognized and Under-treated A child who gets colds w/ coughs that tend to linger A child who has to limit her activities because of shortness of breath or coughing during or after exercise A child without cold symptoms who coughs at night
World Asthma Day, 2014 How do I know if my child’s asthma is “controlled”? Kids w/asthma should be able to live a healthy life and participate in all activities The goals of asthma treatment include: No missed school days because of symptoms No missed gym classes or recess No ER visits or hospitalizations Minimal unplanned office visits The ability to participate fully in all activities except during an acute exacerbation
World Asthma Day, 2014 If your child has asthma, be sure she has her quick relief inhaler and spacer w/ her at all times – especially for any trips, hikes, sports, exercise or sleepovers Even kids who have been symptom-free for months or years can experience a sudden asthma attack
World Asthma Day, 2014 Asthma Control-The “Rule of Two’s”: If your child with asthma is: Coughing at night> 1-2 times/month or Needing albuterol or other rescue inhaler> 2 times/week or Has a cough that lingers for > 2 weeks ->-> She needs to see her physician to discuss the possibility that her asthma is under treated.