Council of State Science Supervisors Secretary’s Math and Science Initiative NCLB M/S Partnerships Philadelphia, PA March, 2003 Presented by: Triangle Coalition and NSTA
Secretary’s Math and Science Initiative Work in progress on Math. Work on Science to begin this Fall.
No Child Left Behind Beginning in , every student will be tested annually in grades 3-8 in reading and math, once in grades By students must be assessed in science in at least one grade of grades 3-5, 6-9, and
No Child Left Behind No AYP for Science in this authorization. States must test students in science starting in , but the scores will not count toward AYP.
No Child Left Behind By the end of school year, all states must ensure that every classroom teacher is “highly qualified.”
Math and Science Partnerships National Science Foundation MSPs vs. Dept. of Education Math and Science Partnerships (under Title II, Part B of No Child Left Behind, the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or ESEA)
ESEA Title II, B: Math and Science Partnerships $100,344,000 FY 2003 Appropriation, up from $12.5 million in FY 2002 Available to All States July 1, 2003 State Allocations – Not Yet Available An Opportunity for States to Address Teacher Quality. Grants must be for partnerships that provide science and math education programs.
M/S Partnerships: Eligible Partners Eligible Partners: Must include: science, math, engineering departments from higher education and a high-need LEA. May include: another dept. from higher education; additional LEA or school (or consortium of same); business; nonprofit; or for-profit The law is silent on who is the administrative partner.
M/S Partnerships: Allotment Allotment to States is formula based on School age population (ages 5 to 17) from high poverty families Zero percent dedicated for grant administration. Administrative funds are in State Title II Part A funds.
M/S Partnerships: The State Role Funding is distributed from the SEA to partnerships through a competitive grant process In the RFP, the State Education Agency should issue priorities that should be addressed in the partnership’s application for funds The grants are long term programs (3 years)
Applications for Partnership Activities Must Include Results from an assessment of partner school’s teacher quality and professional development needs What the activity/program is, how it is aligned with standards and based on scientifically based research An evaluation and accountability plan How the Partnership will continue the program/activities after funding expires
Evaluation and Accountability Plan MUST INCLUDE Measurable objectives to increase the number of math and science teachers who participate in content based professional development Measurable objectives for improved student academic achievement on state or international assessments.
Evaluation and Accountability Plan MAY INCLUDE objectives and measures for Increased participation by students in advanced math and science courses Increased numbers of elementary teachers with academic majors in science, math and engineering More secondary classes taught by teachers with academic majors in SME
Evaluation and Accountability Reporting Each partnership must report annually on progress toward meeting the objectives described in the accountability plan.
M/S Partnerships: Use of Funds Long term, quality summer professional development Recruiting MSE majors to teaching Developing curricula Long distance learning programs Scientists into the classroom Preparing M/S teachers to provide professional development to other teachers Master teacher programs Minority representation for SMET careers
Small Group Discussion 1. How is this program going to work in our state? 2. Who are the players involved?
Small Group Discussion Write these down: 3. What resources and help do we need to make this program successful?