Impact IMPACT Implementing change in the community, putting health into action!
This scheme is funded by the Stockport Primary Care Trust. It aims to improve the health of local communities.
What is Impact? Impact groups promote and improve the health of local residents. Impact has funding to offer to groups wanting to start a health project. Impact groups give the community the chance to say what health activities should happen in their area.
Where is Impact? Impact is unique to Stockport There are 11 Impact Groups. Every area of Stockport is part of an Impact group. The Impact Officer is based at SCVS, Russell Morley House on Lower Hillgate in the centre of Stockport.
Who can apply? Any self-help group Any community group Any voluntary group (or field worker on behalf of a group) for projects which promote community health.
The project must: Improve health & promote healthy lifestyles and wellbeing Benefit local residents Involve the community in its own health Be inclusive & consider equal opportunities
Demonstrate that all reasonable action has been taken to maintain a safe & healthy environment for the project and all who participate Agree to provide receipts of purchase for monies spent Become self sustainable once Impact funds have finished.
The grant scheme will not Fund individual care or treatment Part fund projects which require substantial sums of money to develop Fund rent or running costs Fund the same project twice Fund holidays or excursions Fund projects that already have a similar activity in the area.
Who will decide which projects receive a grant? The grants are allocated following consultation with: The Impact Funding Panel.
What do I do to apply? Grants are usually for £250 but applications of up to £500 will be considered. Fill in the form with as much detail as possible, especially about how it will improve the communities health. You must have a group set up as cheques will not be made payable to individuals. You should contact me for an application form for IMPACT funding
What happens then? You will receive a letter to say whether you have been successful or not. If successful you will be asked to come to an IMPACT meeting and talk about the project/activity. If you are unsuccessful, it will be explained why. You can apply for Impact funds for a different health related project though. Should any of the community projects cease to exist, a contingency plan/equipment to be reused by other Neighbourhood Groups must be negotiated.
Evaluation All projects will be evaluated during the financial year following receipt of the grant. An evaluation form will be supplied for the group to fill in when they have spent the grant. At this time receipts of items purchased and other forms of evidence (such as group feedback) will be required.
Previously Funded Emergency 1 st Aid courses throughout Stockport.
Previously funded cont’d Allotment Projects. Equipment for Scouts & Brownie groups Healthy Eating workshops Sports equipment for youth groups. A bench in a community park Games for parent & toddler groups. Tai Chi group’s.
Previously funded cont’d.. A basic, one off, one hours self defence lesson throughout Stockport
Got an Idea? Impact doesn’t just offer funding, but also offers support and a chance to network. If you have an idea that will benefit the communities health, we would like to hear about it. We can help you develop your idea and make it happen!
How do I get Involved? Impact groups have an open public meeting (informal) every 3 months, in the local area. Everyone is welcome to the meetings and they are a great chance to find out what is going on and to meet new people. There are various taster sessions or guest speakers at the meetings, feel free to suggest an idea.
Spreading the word. A newsletter is produced after each meeting, if you want anything including, let me know. Impact meetings are your chance to tell others about any community & health issues/ideas You can join – fill in the mailing list to receive the newsletter and invites to the occasional health event.