Caring Together, Living Better
Outline The Weinberg Foundation AgeOptions Project Regional Improvements Local Projects Tying it all Together Progress to Date Next steps Lessons Learned
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation National grant-making organization Located in Maryland Dedicated to assisting the poor, especially elderly poor Issued a national Request for Proposals to fund 12-20 Caregiver Support Projects
Weinberg’s Family and Informal Caregiver Support RFP First issued in March, 2008 360 Letters of Inquiry received last June 51 selected to submit proposals in October 14 projects selected ($8.1 million) March 2009
AgeOptions Project $515,357 awarded Total project cost $1,139,165 South Suburbs chosen as target area Partners: Catholic Charities Metropolitan Family Services CJE SeniorLife
Twelve Focus Communities Blue Island Calumet City Calumet Park Dixmoor Dolton Harvey Markham Phoenix Posen Riverdale Robbins South Holland
Target Area
Why the South Suburbs? Weinberg grant is an opportunity to… Focus on services in the south suburbs Develop culturally-appropriate services Develop new partnerships AgeOptions is committed to this area
Demographics Unemployment in some of these towns is over 5% higher than national average Median income for older adults as low as half the national average ($12,000 per year in Robbins) Two-thirds of residents are African-American
Caregiver Support Who are caregivers? Family, friends or neighbors who care for an older adult What support is already available? Caregiver Specialist Respite Training Support groups
Caring Together, Living Better Goals Local (innovative, responsive) programs Expansion & improvement of regional supports Continuous evaluation and sustainability activities Replication/dissemination
Regional Improvements Access (outreach and capacity) Respite Training
Local Projects Church is often the caregiver’s main/only community link Local churches understand local needs 7 churches, 1 organization to develop innovative caregiver support programs AgeOptions provides guidance and small stipend to each local partner
Local Project Partners Bethel AME Covenant UCC Kizer Memorial Metropolitan Family Services Shekinah Lutheran Valley Kingdom Victory Christian Word Made Flesh
Target Area
What is a Faith-based Caregiver Support Program? Getting the word out Volunteer respite or transportation Support Teams Caregiver Training/Fellowship Groups Benefits assistance Matching ideas from caregiver focus groups to church’s strengths
Tying it All Together Community Organizing Specialist Americorps VISTA Culturally competent, familiar with area Recruiting additional community partners Americorps VISTA Trained in capacity-building
Tying it All Together, cont. Leadership Council Members Four original regional partner agencies Leaders from local church projects Older adults, caregivers, businesspeople Duties Project guidance Sustainability
Progress to Date Project Kickoff Dinner Asset-mapping Caregiver focus groups
Kickoff Dinner Built on the connections made during proposal-writing 30 organizations represented Prayer State Rep. Will Davis Keynote Apostle Carl White, Jr. Call to action, collaboration
Asset-mapping Strengths-based approach Looking at individuals, associations, organizations Congregants & community members Foundation for project design Database for future use
Focus Groups At least one per local partner Phone interviews, surveys as needed Questions to inform local project design Feedback on draft outreach materials Questions to inform regional service improvements
Next steps Newsletter Toolkits Local project plans Leadership Training (faith component) Appreciative Inquiry Webpage
Lessons in Building Faith Partnerships Start early! Gain local credibility through networking Align with community priorities Educate: “Who is a caregiver?” Balance is key: Recruiting capable partners while keeping a selective application process Having clear expectations for partner churches while encouraging input
Countywide Caregiver Coordinator Questions or Comments? Sarah Stein Countywide Caregiver Coordinator AgeOptions (708)383-0258