EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March Solar Orbiter EUI/SOLAR ORBITER Report of the Science WG T. Appourchaux, F. Auchère, L. Harra, E. Marsch, L. Teriaca, J.-F. Hochedez, U. Schühle J.-C. Vial
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March EUI / Solar Orbiter Our Mandate (1) : Definition of scientific objectives through building observing programs detailing : targets, wavelengths, spatial and spectral resolution, cadence, exposure time, duration, data selection · Collecting the photometric information from the Photometry WG · Liaising with other instruments Science Teams (EUS, VIM, COR, in situ) to investigate the common objectives and the joint science to be made (i.e. possible). ·
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March EUI / Solar Orbiter Our Mandate (2) : · Building complete observing scenarii (target, FOV, cadence, etc.) covering the whole perihelion duration in liaison with the Compression and Data Selection WG · Prioritizing the objectives/programs · Translating the prioritization in terms of instruments parameters (wavelengths, etc...) · Liaise with the Radiometry, Functionality of Electronics, Compression and Data Selection, Coatings and Mirrors WGs
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March EUI / Solar Orbiter Call for proposals (Spring 2005, from inside the consortium) 14 proposals, more or less elaborated and following two different formats 12 for HRI, 1 for HRI and FSI, 1 for FSI All HRI proposals use the close-up capability (spatial resolution) + co-rotation + polar view HRI proposals combine with EUS and/or VIM observations
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March HRI coronal proposals (1) Science IssueTime Res. Lines (nm)SO objectives Signatures of nanoflare heating JCV < 1 min 30.4, 19.5, 33.5 (Fe XVI) or 121.6, 17.1, Acceleration and heating (fast wind) Sources of slow wind Transient events The quiet Sun small- scale activity LT 10 sec 121.6, Acceleration and heating (fast wind) Sources of slow wind Transient events Intermittence in the Solar Corona EB 1 min 30.4, 19.5, 36.4 (Fe XII at K ?) Acceleration and heating (fast wind) Sources of slow wind Transient events Origin of the solar wind turbulence SG 1 min 30.4, 19.5, 36.4 or 121.6, Acceleration and heating (fast wind) Sources of slow wind EB: E. Buchlin, SG : S. Galtier, LT : L. Teriaca, JCV : J.-C. Vial
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March HRI coronal proposals (2) Science Issue Time Res. Lines (nm)SO objectives Fine structure prominences / filaments NL ~10 sec 121.6, 30.4, Sources and dynamics of eruptive events ? Influence of CMEs on the structure of the inner heliosphere ? Flares and filaments eruptions LH 10 sec 30.4, 17.1 Spectro- Imager Sources and dynamics of eruptive events Influence of CMEs on the structure of the inner heliosphere Emerging flux regions and magnetic helicity LG 30 min 17.1, 19.5 Spectro- Imager Flux emergence and its consequences Flux emergence at high latitudes Flare-induced active-region loop oscillation DW 20 sec 17.1 Spectro- Imager wave activity from the photosphere to the corona LH : L. Harra, NL: N. Labrosse, DW : D. Williams, LG : L. Gesterlyi
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March HRI coronal proposals (3) Science IssueTime Res. Lines (nm)SO Objectives Seismology of various structures : plumes, loops, prominences FB 30 secCool / Hot lines wave activity from the photosphere to the corona Coronal hole plumes GDZ sec Fe VIII (16.8 nm ?), 17.1, 19.5 Spectro- Imager How is the polar high speed wind generated and how does it relate to polar plumes ? Origins of the solar wind SM ~ min.30.4, 17.1 Spectro- Imager Sources of slow solar wind, temporal and spatial variation How is the polar high speed wind generated and how does it relate to polar plumes ? FB : F. Baudin, GDZ : G. Del Zanna, SM : S. Matthews
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March HRI/FSI coronal proposals (4) Science IssueTime Res. Lines (nm)SO Objectives Quasi-rigid rotation of coronal holes and origins of the slow solar wind SM ~ min 30.4, 17.1 Spectro- Imager Nature of coronal hole boundaries, evolution and projection in the heliosphere The streamers as source of slow solar wind SP ~minHRI : 30.4 (or 121.6), 19.5, 46.5 (Ne VII)? FSI : Sources of slow solar wind, temporal and spatial variation Polar plumes + irradiance anisotropies FA 30.4 or 17.1 or How is the polar high speed wind generated and how does it relate to polar plumes ? FA : F. Auchère, SM : S. Matthews, SP : S. Parenti
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March Solar Orbiter Summary (1) All need high resolution Interest for co-rotation (long-term observations (AR), oscillations, correlation with in-situ,...) Interest for polar observations Quite universal interest in velocity measurements : Range ? Wavelengths,.... Issue of pointing/tracking specific features (AR,..)
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March Solar Orbiter Summary (2) HRI : Need for cool, hot and (for micro-scales programs) very hot lines Interest expressed in spectro-imagery (MOSES-type): essentially in 30.4 nm FSI : Context for EUI and EUS observations But also specific programs (large-scale structures, oscillations,..) 17.1 (or 19.5 nm) Interest for a second (cool) line
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March Solar Orbiter EUI December 2005 meeting HRI : imaging only Lalpha channel ? FSI : one or two wavelengths ? Spectro-imagery (Moses-type) ??
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March Solar Orbiter Actions Getting the community involved : Call for contributions : to be issued Attached document (+ www) providing a template for proposals providing a Table from Photometry WG establishing a continuous link between the consortium and the community, including news about the output of their inputs
EUS - Science, JCV,RAL, March Solar Orbiter Conclusions For a proper definition of EUI : * Continue the work on science priorities, adressing issues such as : What the SO priorities within the SO objectives ? What is unique in SO as compared with STEREO, SolarB and SDO ? Some common wavelengths with EUS ! * Take into account the instruments / S/C capabilities (compression, photometry, pointing/tracking of AR,...) * Build 15 days of observations scenarii (taking into account TM rates vs. distance to the Sun )