European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 1 The Fifth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development ( ) Building on the past European Commission DG XII
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 2 From the Fourth to the Fifth Framework Programme l growing needs and competitive challenges, so... l concentrate and co-ordinate efforts, while... l building on established principles l a new strategic approach è not a mere synthesis of national and sectoral interests
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 3 New challenges l unemployment (18 million in Europe) l quality of life (health, environment) l sustainable development l growing competition and... l … globalisation of economic activity l ethical and social consequences of increased knowledge
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 4 A Framework Programme... l based on u scientific and technological excellence u relevance to main EU policies u European added value l defined according to socio-economic and competitive needs l placing more emphasis on using results l focusing on a limited number of objectives è putting S&T at the service of the EU and its policies
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 5 EU research - a new strategic approach l address key European problems l consult widely l facilitate European-level mobilisation of resources/instruments l maximise European added-value
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 6 Concentrate efforts l why? u increase impact l how? u limit number of programmes u select content using defined criteria u “key actions”
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 7 The Fourth Framework Programme Structure Total Budget ECU billion
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 8 A simplified structure Key-actions Generic technologies Research infrastructure Key-actions Generic technologies Research infrastructure Thematic Programmes Quality of life & management of living resources User-friendly Information Society Competitive & sustainable growth Horizontal Programmes Specific Actions Coordi- nation Specific Actions Coordi- nation Specific Actions Coordi- nation International RoleInnovation and SMEs Generic technologies Research infrastructure Human Potential & socio-economic knowledge Key-actions Generic technologies Research infrastructure Energy, environment & sustainable development
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 9 Criteria l Social objectives H employment H health, quality of life H environment l European added value H critical mass H EU policies, problems, standards H complementary skills l Economic development and S&T prospects H growth H competitiveness H technological prospects ß relevant research to achieve clear objectives
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 10 Thematic programme content: key actions l limited number l linked to major economic and social objectives l systems approach: integration and interdisciplinarity l range of activities needed to achieve objectives u from basic research to development and demonstration l European context: focus public & private research l close consultation: scientific community, industry, users l rigour & precision in definition of objectives l flexibility in implementation
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 11 Thematic programme content: generic technologies l “classic” component of EU research l selected using the criteria l stimulate flow of ideas and knowledge l development of European technological capacity
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 12 Thematic programme content: Europe’s research infrastructure l ensure wide access and optimal use u high-capacity communication networks u clinical testing centres and laboratories u marine research facilities u biological and other specialised databases u computing centres: climate study and industrial u high-power wind tunnels l networks for research
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 13 Horizontal programmes l crossroads of research and other EU policies l coordination and support for thematic programmes l specific activities linked to other EU policies (external relations, innovation, training) external policyinnovation policy education & training personal mobility social policy employment research policy
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 14 Joint Research Centre l one means of implementation of Framework Programme l “research at the service of the individual” (health, safety, environment, consumer protection, fraud prevention) l impartial and independent expertise and support for EU policies l continuity and evolution (competitive approach, increasing links with end-users, especially industry)
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 15 Budget of the specific programmes l Quality of life % and management of living resources l User-friendly % information society l Competitive and sustainable growth % l Energy, environment and sustainable development % l Confirming the international role of % Community research l Promotion of innovation and % encouragement of participation of SMEs l Improving human research potential and the % socio-economic knowledge base l Nuclear energy % l Joint Research Centre % Total FP %
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 16 Implementation l coordination between u different programmes u research programmes and other EU activities è technical and economic assistance (e.g. Phare) è related programmes (e.g. education & training) è Structural Funds and other EU policies u European and national activities l flexibility u regular revision of work programmes
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 17 Management l management group prepared execution of FP5 l regular work programme updates l better planning of calls for proposals and evaluation sessions (“road maps”) l extended use of electronic proposal submission l harmonised evaluation and selection procedures l common tools for better transparency (info packs, evaluation manual)
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 18 Advisory Structures l streamlining of advisory structures l External Advisory Groups u to advise Commission on key-action research u academics, industrialists, users, other interested parties (e.g. venture finance) è members selected for personal qualities l European Research Forum u replaces IRDAC and ESTA u around 60 members è 20 industrialists, 20 researchers and the chairpersons of the advisory groups
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 19 Enlargement and FP5 l In FP4: association offered to EFTA countries of EEA, and to Israel l In FP5: option also offered to candidate countries u all 11 have finalised negotiations u entry into force expected before summer 1999 l Contribution to FP5 budget: GDP-related but with reduction (diminishing over 4 years) l For CEECs, Phare can supplement the countries’ own contribution l From the start of FP5, a candidate country’s organisation can be part of a proposing consortium... l … and the proposals will be evaluated as if the country were already associated
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 20 The history of FP5 l Commission proposal: 9 April 1997 l EP first reading: December 1997 l Commission’s revised proposal: January 1998 l Council common position: February 1998 l EP second reading: June 1998 l conciliation procedure concluded 17 November 1998 l Council and EP adopted Framework Programme: December 1998 l first calls for proposals: March 1999
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 21 How to find a partner l CORDIS Projects & Partners databases l Databases on CD u Science Citations Index u BEST u European R&D Database u Vademecum (Germany) l Online services u STN u Dialog u EARMA u NOD/CRIB (Netherlands/UK) u ERGO (EC - under development) l Specialist consultants
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 22 Community RTD further information l Commission services and World Wide Web site ( l CORDIS databases and WWW site ( l Innovation Relay Centres l publications: FP5 brochure, RTD info, etc l Euro-Info Centres, Commission offices l member state contact points (DTI, etc.) l chambers of commerce, university liaison offices, etc. l requests via or fax ( )
European Commission Science Research Development 06/10/98 23 Programme specific information l Quality of life: l User-friendly information society: l Competitive and sustainable growth: l Energy, environment and sustainable development: l Confirming the international role of Community research: l Promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation: - Innovation - SMEs: - SME Specific Measures: l Improving human research potential and the socio-economic knowledge base: