Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Multiwavelength study of solar extreme events with the SPIRIT experiment aboard the CORONAS-F satellite CORONAS-F satellite S.Kuzin, I.Zhitnik, V.Slemzin, A.Urnov, S.Shestov, A. Perzov P.N.Ledebev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Multiwavelength („multitemperature“) registration of Solar corona with high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution Scientific goals: - Dynamics of active Sun from high resolution Soft X-ray and XUV spectral images in the A band - Dynamics of non-stationary solar events – flares, jets, CME in time scale from ~1 sec to months - Diagnostics of fine structure of solar plasma in flares, active regions, coronal holes with T = 0,05-50 MK -Study of Fe- and He-ions distribution in solar disk and corona up to 5 Rsun The SPIRIT experiment Full Sun imaging XUV spectroscopy
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Spectral bands of the SPIRIT instrument and excitation temperatures of ions in solar plasma
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Solar corona in the 175Å spectral range September 2005 September mpg
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Active Region 808 before and at the maximum of Х1.5 Flare
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 The same SPIDER, SOHO/EIT+Mg ( )
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Spectroheliograms of the Х17 flare in A spectral band
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Spectrograms of pre-flare and the maximum phase of the flare Х in A spectral region
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Fe XII lines at 195 A resolved by the RES device
Spectroscopy Department Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects (SEE-2005) International Symposium Nor Amberd, Armenia September 2005 Differential Emission Measure (DEM) in the flare X