Focused Monitoring: The District Improvement Plan Process-- Tips for Improvement Planning Lessons Learned from the District Improvement Plans July 2008 Special Education Directors Conference
2 Review Sections I and II of the sample plan Do the strategies and activities of the action plan flow logically from the data and analysis? If you were a teacher in this district, would you know your role in this plan?
3 Updated Resources for 2008 For the latest resources including planning guides sample plans presentations See ent_process.htm
4 Lets Celebrate! Feedback for all who submitted plans for 2007!
5 Targeted Feedback
6 Tools for a specific end Less Red Tape and More Learning Whats the impact of a system of supportwith school and district plans as central documents with Minimized hoop-jumping Focused planning on –the key audience and –the overall good sense the plan Will these improvement plans lead to improved student achievement?
7 Harsh Realities 1. Perfect plans improved student achievement 2. Plans are required by NCLB and state law 3. Clear and critical need to focus on learning
8 Winning Winning Plans Measurable Implemented with fidelity Monitored
9 You may be asking yourself: Am I required to submit a plan NOW? Yes, you need to submit a revised plan if both the following are true. My school/district is in academic status. I do not have a locally board approved plan submitted in the template for 2007 at the Interactive Illinois Report Card site.
10 When must the plan based on 2008 data be submitted? For plans in response to Academic Status District Improvement 90 days School Improvement 135 days
11 For plans required as part of the Title III grant application (This may be the same plan as in response to academic status.) Current district improvement plans are required with Title III grant applications June 30 every year. ISBE can not approve these grants without the district improvement plans.
12 For plans required in response to special education compliance monitoring You may modify your existing improvement plan Revisions to the plan must be made in consultation with special education monitoring staff.
13 How? All plans submitted via the Interactive Illinois Report Card Your area RESPRO, Title III, or special education consultant can assist in completing these plans.
14 E-Plans User Names and Passwords They are not changed annually Need yours? Still not getting in? You may need to back out of the browser and reenter the username and password.
15 Sample login screen
16 On-line resources at the Interactive Illinois Report Card (IIRC) Guides –description of required content. Templates interactive screens with the language of the guide and directions Monitoring prompts ISBEs checklist for feedback Schools access school plans at the school dashboard. Districts access all types of plans at the district main menu.
17 District in District Involvement in School Planning Increasing assistance with planning as school does not make AYP
18 Lessons Learned from the Best Plans The best plans foster little doubt that the plan will be implemented Strong relationship between the data, strategies/activities, and monitoring process Detailed roles, responsibilities, expectations Critical changes in classroom practice
19 The Huge Assumption- plan implementation What do users of the plan have to know to be able to implement the plan with fidelity and monitor progress?
20 Tip 1: Write for the Right Audience The primary audience for the plan is the userthose who will implement this plan. Other audiences-- Planners Reviewers Wider community
21 Tip 2: Look Beyond AYP Report Card and other data are more than AYP deficiencies See the monitoring prompt Strengths and weaknesses
22 Tip 3: Take Care to Consider the Factors Contributing to Achievement Whats contributing to your progress? Are these factors internal or external? Are you blaming the kids?
23 Whats Coarse and fine grain internal factors Whats preventing students from learning? school culture doesnt foster shared responsibility for all kids learning Supplemental support is weak or not rigorous Failure to use the intended curriculum by all staff for all kids Teachers do not have adequate coaching or support to implement strategies mile wide and inch deep curriculum Teachers arent clear about whats expected in classrooms Instruction doesnt span cognitive levels Insufficient teacher learning/team time School culture doesnt reflect rigor, relevance, relationship Kids dont have equitable access to the curriculum Kids arent in the least restrictive educational environment Teachers need ELL training
24 Tip 4: Be Specific and Thorough Is the plan specific enough? Does the action plan sufficiently address the areas where improvement is needed?
25 Tip 5: Focus and Coordinate Strategies and Activities Objective Statements Measurable Minimally in terms of AYP May be global Use the objective page to outline strategies, if youd like.
26 While the current achievement in math for students with disabilities subgroup is 24.5% meeting/exceeding for ISAT, this subgroup will make AYP of at least 62.5% in 2008 and 70% in 2009 or Safe Harbor. Strategies: 1 double block math instruction 2 coaching for math staff 3 student and staff review of student work 4 beef up test taking skills 5 progress monitoring to drive instruction
27 Tip 6: Focus on Student Learning Strategies for students necessary to meet the objective –necessary for staff –necessary for parents –Effecting change at the classroom What about on-going strategies and activities? or strategies for global objectives?
28 Improvement Planningongoing work Working towards improvement Coordinating efforts Measuring progress Keeping the big picture in sight
29 Note from the field… Has the planning process been hoop jumping? It is definitely not an administrative hoop. It has given me a much clearer focus and I have already used the document at my Curriculum Committee Meetings to try to keep my staff focused on the big picture….
30 Sample Plans While no plan is perfect, planners can learn lots from models and we have good plans to share. Time will tell how good See sample 2007 plans at: ment_process.htm
31 Section II – Objective addressing deficiencies and an action plan that spans two years ( ) Section III – All items Section IV – Board Approval - Submitted to IIRC SHOW STOPPERS
32 For assistance Contact your area RESPRO ISBE Agency Directory The Interactive Illinois Report Card (815) Julie EvansCarol Diedrichsen