Chicago Department of Aviation Sustainable Airport Manual Version 2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Operations & Maintenance Richard M. Daley Mayor Rosemarie S. Andolino Commissioner
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Green Meeting Greetings We are conducting our meeting following green meeting practices, which are intended to: Conserve resources; Reduce environmental impacts; Save money; and Support Chicago’s commitment to environmental stewardship. We conduct our meetings in an environmentally friendly manner. Please use the recycle bins for recyclable items at the end of the meeting. Please mute all cell phones.
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Introductions Chair: Paul Manasjan, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Co-Chair: United Airlines Coordinator: Cyle Cantrell, O’Hare Modernization Program Assistants: Margaret Johnsen, Ricondo & Associates Sara McCook, Landrum & Brown Committee Members John Sisco; Bob Schmidt; Joe Dote; George Lyman; Susan Nelson; Bill Palivos; Al Perez; Sandy Webb; Airline Reps (AAL, SWA, UAL. Etc.)
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 O&M Committee Progress July 6 Teleconference Highlights Reference Document Brainstorming LEED-EB, ORD BMPs, DOA Facilities Green Airport & Environmental Initiatives, ACI-NA Environmental Goals, ACRP Airport Sustainability Practices Committee Assignments Committee membership development, ORD airside vehicle idling, landscaping initiatives, draft chapter outline following LEED-EB checklist, research other airports’ green procurement programs Major Areas of Focus Training, Metrics/Monitoring and Reporting
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 O&M Committee Progress July 9 Committee Breakout Highlights Indentified the need for integration with Planning and other chapters/committees Reviewed and modified the draft chapter outline following LEED-EB checklist Incorporated BMPs, training, monitoring and reporting as part of the rough outline Need to identify funding sources
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 O&M Committee Progress April 28 Working Session highlights and work done to-date Refined Draft Chapter Outline Refined and/or developed BMPs, monitoring and reporting Cross Coordinated with other SAM chapters, including those in development Discussed development of O&M Green Training Program
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 SAM Working Sessions Join the Movement: Airports Going Green – SAM Working Sessions Held May 18, 2010, in conjunction with AAAE National Conference in Dallas Held September 20, 2010, in conjunction with AAAE National Airports Conference in San Diego
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Framework for New Chapter
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Our Focus Today Review chapter outline Call for case studies Submit to:
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Thank You! Send all example documents and case study examples to: New Committee members: send contact information to: and identify the Committee(s)
Chicago Department of Aviation SAM v2.0 Working Session Aviation Administration Building October 6, 2010 Thank You! REGISTER NOW for 3 rd Annual Airports Going Green conference, Nov , in Chicago Sponsorship Opportunities still available Exhibitor Opportunities still available Contact Leslie Riegle with AAAE: Ph or Visit: for updates on SAM v. 2.0