Oceans Portal Workshop 30 th March 2004 Healthy oceans: cared for, understood and used wisely for the benefit of all, now and in the future healthy oceans:


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Presentation transcript:

Oceans Portal Workshop 30 th March 2004 Healthy oceans: cared for, understood and used wisely for the benefit of all, now and in the future healthy oceans: cared for, understood and use wisely for the benefit of all, now and in the future healthy National Oceans Office Kim Finney C.I.O. Oceans Portal Project Amit Parashar

Background National Oceans Office Branch of the Department of Environment and Heritage Project Owner: Ian Cresswell Project Manager (Core): Amit Parashar Project Manager (Outreach): Alicja Mosbauer

Motivations: AOP Australia’s Oceans Policy ·Launched in 1998 ·Maintenance of healthy and productive ecosystems ·Science based planning and management ·Economic, environmental, social and cultural aspirations accommodated through integrated planning and management

Motivations: Regional Marine Planning Policy driven by science NOO is data user, not a data custodian Need wide variety of data ·Easy to discover ·Easy to access ·Easy to use Project built into first Regional Marine Plan as a deliverable

Statutory Information Economic Information Social & cultural InformationImpacts Information Indigenous Information Biological & Physical Information Motivations: Regional Marine Planning

ProjectOutputCost National demersal fish project Distribution maps & species database $670K National Invertebrate datasets Distribution maps & species database $100K National Sediments database Sediments database$820K National Bathymetry Grid Bathy grid$250K National Uses Mapping Database and maps$400K SST Satellite Datasets SST products$90K National Fish Uses Mapping Distribution maps and statistics $500K > $2.6Million Most are harvesting exercises. Issues: Discovery of data Access to data Standards based Motivations: Costs

Making it happen Key Components: Community of Interest Marine Information Infrastructure (MII) : Catalogue Application Exploitation of MII: Portal Application Governance

Community of Interest Australian Oceans Data Centre Joint Facility ·Formed in 2004 ·Virtual, distributed data centre ·Board, Technical Committee ·Collaborative Heads Agreement ·Adoption of Oceans Portal Project as the necessary infrastructure for AODC JF

Community of Interest Oceans Biogeographical Information Systems ·Information management arm of Census of Marine Life (COML) ·NOO is the chair for COML Australia ·NOO is managers Australia’s OBIS Node, partnership with CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research ·Biological information

Community of Interest Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums ·Museums data from all the States in Australia ·Data being provided via OBIS

Marine Community of Interest Partners Virtual Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility OZCAM OBIS Marine Catalogue Oceans Portal

AgencyData & Service Portrayal Type NOO80 Marine Uses Maps national coverage (WMS) CMR10 years of SST data from AVHRR thermal imagery around Australia (WMS or WCS) DoDGebco bathy data; Near real time SST data (global); Wave height climatology, global, monthly (all WMS) CBMBouy and ship obs; Coastal synops stations obs; bathy profiles; 10S to 50S,100E to160E (WMS & WFS). AIMSDaily NOAA AVHRR SST images of GBR including temp,pressure, wind and clod cover & 30 mins weather obs from 5 locations along GBR (WMS) AADMarine species, seabirds, marine mammals observation data below 42 south (WMS) NOO/CMRConnection to OBIS (point taxa observation data) Australian MuseumConnection to OZCAM (point taxa observation data) GABioregionalisation datasets (1 or 2 as yet un-defined) BRSFish uses maps – catch, gross value, change in effort for all fishing types (WMS)

Community Participation Working Groups: ·Metadata WG ·Governance WG ·Sea Surface temperature WG ·Marine Planner WG ·Species Finder WG ·Symbology WG ·NetCDF WG

Marine Information Infrastructure Information infrastructure Standards and processes enforced by software Community Information Models Standards: WFS, WMS, WCS and OAI Web services CubeWerx Registry (ExXML) Community of interest Marine catalogue

Portal Application Tool that exploits information infrastructure Provides mapping/discovery of data/data services Web Map Composer (SCO) Community of interest Marine catalogue Portal Application

Future Wide adoption More exploitation, ie more applications Community of interest Marine catalogue Portal Application Your Application Specialist Community

Conclusion Ambitious project in that it is genuinely a development by a “community of interest”. Lead the way in developing some key Australian (international ?) Spatial Data Infrastructure technologies and standards, Requires national and international collaboration, Will need to expand partnership once runs are on the board. Catalogue will be accessible by anyone. All standards and specifications will be public.