Michelle Allen
Hybrid learning occurs when part of the learning occurs in the classroom while the other part online Also known as blended learning Video that further explains hybrid learning and concepts:
According to the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee (2014), hybrid learning consists of three components: Web-based activities are used to supplement traditional classroom (face-to-face) time Decrease in face-to-face time Web-based activities and face-to-face time should weave concepts and lessons together
In 2003, American Society for Training and Development found that hybrid learning is becoming a top trend (Bonk & Graham, 2006, p. 3) Hybrid learning can improve pedagogy, increase access and flexibility, cost-effective (Bonk & Graham, 2006, p. 8-10) Hybrid learning is being used for children and grades of all ages The combining of classroom and face-to-face may occur from kindergarten until the completion of a college degree
Learners place greater value in face-to-face time than online activities Requires self-discipline Increase in instructor time and training for students and faculty
Orange Charter School (2014)
Lebanon High School (Dellicker, 2014)
University of Washington at Bothell (n.d.) “Community of Inquiry” framework (n.d.)
Do any of you use hybrid learning? If so, can you explain how it is being utilized in your facility? Do you have any questions about hybrid learning?
Bonk, C. J., & Graham, C. R. (2006). Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local design. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. Dellicker, K. (2014). PA hybrid learning institute delivers promising results. Retrieved from learning-institute-delivers-promising-results Orange Charter School. (2014). The future of learning has arrived at OCS! Retrieved from learning-has-arrived-at-ocs/# University of Washington at Bothell. (n.d.). Community of inquiry framework for hybrid learning. Retrieved from learning/hybrid-learning/faculty-hybrid/hybrid-intro University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. (2014). Hybrid courses: About hybrid. Retrieved from