Our District encompasses Australia, New Zealand and PNG Australia and New Zealand are at a similar level of technological development and will present our responses together. PNG has been further behind in the past in adoption of internet and new technologies, however it now stands at the cutting edge with the introduction of mobile phone technology. PNG will present separately as a unique opportunity.
Australia and New Zealand 1.What can we do? Educators need to be proactive in making District website interactive, use of iPods, SMS alerts, employ people with strong competencies in technology. Strong links with schools should be developed sharing technology. Use mass media in advocacy – for young people it can be a powerful medium for positive change.
Australia and New Zealand 2.Insights Don’t fear media and technology – seek to understand it, embrace it and use for benefit of students. Little merit in trying to control and restrict technology and access to media. Emphasis should be giving students values, moral compass to discern how to use the technology appropriately.
Papua New Guinea Mass Media and technology are underdeveloped BUT PNG is about to have much more multi-media through mobile phone technology (WiFi, MMS, SMS etc.)
Papua New Guinea 1.What can we do? Improve our communications with the young: -DVDs/multimedia -Computers/Internet -Newsletter -Lasallian material for mobiles (images, etc)
Papua New Guinea 2.Insights Hohola as base centre with Jubilee connected to it can support Bomana, Mt Hagen, Mainohana Lasallian Formation for teachers includes technology