Create an Application Title 1Y - Youth Chapter 5
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-2 Objectives Search for the Customer Add the Customer Use the guided process to add a Youth application using these steps: Application Definition Create WIA Application Contact Information Additional Contacts Private Information Veterans information
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-3 Objectives (Cont.) Use the guided process to add a Youth application using these steps (Cont.): Concurrent programs Tests Education status Employment characteristics Characteristics and barriers Public assistance Family characteristics Income
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-4 Create an App. Title 1Y Youth Search Customer
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-5 Search Customers Customer name
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-6 List Customers Glen Watson not in list
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-7 Create Customer
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-8 Create Customer
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-9 Customer Menu
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-10 List Applications
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-11 Application Definition
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-12 Assessment
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-13 Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-14 Application Menu
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-15 Application Menu
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-16 Guided Application
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-17 Create WIA Application Youth Application
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-18 Contact Information
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-19 Additional Contacts
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-20 Add Contact
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-21 Additional Contacts
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-22 Private Information
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-23 Veterans Information Enter required information
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-24 Concurrent Programs
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-25 Tests
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-26 Education Status
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-27 Employment Characteristics
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-28 Characteristics and Barriers
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-29 Barriers
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-30 Public Assistance
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-31 Family Characteristics
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-32 List Family
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-33 Maintain Family Incorrect First Name
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-34 List Family This information has changed
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-35 Family Characteristics
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-36 Income Calculation
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-37 Eligibility Determination (1 of 3)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-38 Eligibility Determination (2 of 3)
Eligibility Determination (3 of 3)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-40 Certify Customer (1 of 3)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-41 Certify Customer (2 of 3)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-42 Certify Customer (3 of 3)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-43 Add Tests (1 of 4)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-44 Add Tests (2 of 4)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-45 Add Tests (3 of 4)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-46 Add Tests (4 of 4)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-47 Determine Eligibility (1 of 5) Determine Eligibility
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-48 Determine Eligibility (2 of 5) Enter Dates
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-49 Determine Eligibility (3 of 5)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-50 Determine Eligibility (4 of 5)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-51 Determine Eligibility (5 of 5)
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-52 Add Youth Goals (1 of 4) Add Youth goals
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-53 Add Youth Goals (2 of 4) Add Goal
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-54 Add Youth Goals (3 of 4) Goal added
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-55 Add Youth Goals (4 of 4) Goal listed
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-56 Set Hold Period for Youth Goals
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-57 Set Hold Period for Youth Goals
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-58 Set Hold Period for Youth Goals
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-59 Application Menu Examine Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-60 Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-61 Narratives
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-62 Add Narrative
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-63 Narratives Narrative
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-64 Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-65 Employment Goals
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-66 Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-67 Income and Expense
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-68 Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-69 Printed Assessment Summary
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-70 Summary This chapter has taken us through the process of creating an application for a Title 1Y - Youth We followed the Guided Application Process to enter the customer information and all relevant details to support the eligibility category for a Younger Youth Added youth goals, since they are required before enrolling the customer in any services We also entered and reviewed the assessment information
Create an Application Title 1Y – Youth 5-71 Lab Create a Customer and Application for Title 1Y – Youth (Younger Youth) Document and certify eligibility