Setting Safety Performance Measures in Australia and New Zealand Tony Kane SCOHTS 2011 Annual Meeting June 15, 2011 Austin, Texas
Developed by Austroads and Eric Howard and Associates (Melbourne) Sponsored by FHWA In cooperation with AASHTO and NCHRP
Setting Safety Performance Measures in Australia and New Zealand This is a follow-up to an international scan on performance measures conducted in 2009 This is a follow-up to an international scan on performance measures conducted in 2009 Safety was singled out to do a follow-up based upon the similarities in the US and Australia—with regard to system of government; aggressive safety goal setting; and the role of Austroads—similar to AASHTO Safety was singled out to do a follow-up based upon the similarities in the US and Australia—with regard to system of government; aggressive safety goal setting; and the role of Austroads—similar to AASHTO
Establishing a Safety Target A 10 year target was established in 2000 for the period 2001 to 2010—a 40% reduction was targeted from 9.3 to 5.6 fatalities per 100,000 population A 10 year target was established in 2000 for the period 2001 to 2010—a 40% reduction was targeted from 9.3 to 5.6 fatalities per 100,000 population The target was established by the Australian Transport Council the ATC (the federal minister of transport; all state and territorial transport ministers and a local gov. rep.) The target was established by the Australian Transport Council the ATC (the federal minister of transport; all state and territorial transport ministers and a local gov. rep.) Given it is federal system of government; the targets were set by the states/territories and local government Given it is federal system of government; the targets were set by the states/territories and local government
Achieving the Target A fresh & flexible national action plan updated every two years; results reviewed by the SCOTS (the standing committee on transport) and the ACT A fresh & flexible national action plan updated every two years; results reviewed by the SCOTS (the standing committee on transport) and the ACT Actual national results for the 10 year period was a 33.3% reduction to 6.2 fatalities per 100,000 population (wide variation across the states and territories: from 1 to 49%) Actual national results for the 10 year period was a 33.3% reduction to 6.2 fatalities per 100,000 population (wide variation across the states and territories: from 1 to 49%) Comparative results for all the states and territories published in each action plan (a menu of options for each state) Comparative results for all the states and territories published in each action plan (a menu of options for each state)
International comparison— fatalities per 100,000 pop
2009 data by Australian state and territory ( fatalities per 100,000 pop )
2009 data by example USA state ( fatalities per 100,000 pop )
Achieving Agreement for 2011 to % reduction target set 30 % reduction target set Safe Roads; Safe Speeds; Safe Vehicles; Safe People Safe Roads; Safe Speeds; Safe Vehicles; Safe People Safety Standing Sub-Committee (SSSC) recommends actions to the SCOT (similar to AASHTO’s BOD /SCOH) and then to the ATC Safety Standing Sub-Committee (SSSC) recommends actions to the SCOT (similar to AASHTO’s BOD /SCOH) and then to the ATC Decade of Action tie-in Decade of Action tie-in
guiding principles for safer roads component People make mistakes People make mistakes Human physical frailty Human physical frailty A forgiving road system A forgiving road system Shared responsibility Shared responsibility
Potential Lessons for US Preparation for National Strategy Development (11 suggestions, including the following:) Preparation for National Strategy Development (11 suggestions, including the following:) States should develop their own strategies and targets States should develop their own strategies and targets Regular communication among the technical staffs of the feds & states Regular communication among the technical staffs of the feds & states Regulatory reviews every two or three years Regulatory reviews every two or three years One size does not fit all One size does not fit all Aggressive states will greatly exceed the national target Aggressive states will greatly exceed the national target Etc. Etc.
Potential Lessons for US Strategy Development Process Strategy Development Process (8 suggestions; including the following) (8 suggestions; including the following) ##Share knowledge of the practices of the high performing states ##Have media share knowledge of the issues ##Federal funding incentives for innovation and strategy testing ##Setting aspirational targets encourages state action
Potential Lessons for US Strategy Implementation Strategy Implementation (2 suggestions) ## regularly publish progress of each state using proven indicators ##promote voluntary adoption of sound interventions
NEXT STEPS IN THE USA SCOHTS SCOHTS The BOD The BOD Individual State actions Individual State actions