Grey Literature as a Public Communication Tool in Risk Management Practices of Nuclear Power Plants Prepared for GL 13 Cees de Blaaij Library of Zeeland, Ac. Dep. Netherlands
1 Introduction: Nuclear energy and risk communication Grey lit in the context of risk society, public awareness, public trust, knowledge about nuclear power Ulrich Beck: concept of ‘Risk Society’ The role of science as a public interest e.g. FEMA Issue of Public Awareness “Nuclear Renaissance”: risk communication in a strategic position Development of INIS: International Nuclear Information System
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2 Adaptation of communication. How? Framing of knowledge Role of social media: focus group levels Public trust is priority Existing cultural gap between scientists and public Role of grey literature and IPCC Public trust gets jeopardized
3 Relation Nuclear Power and Knowledge/Public Attitude Experiences from nuclear accidents and ‘lessons learned’ 70s: Majority lacked knowledge about nuclear power It’s not clear how people decide, probably core values “Knowledge gaps” Grey literature, transparency and social media