Energy Efficiency
What is the solution to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels? We need to become more energy efficient!!!!!!!!!!
Some ways to increase energy efficiency: Insulate and plug leaks Use energy efficient windows Install a tankless instant water heater (this heats water instantly as it flows through a small burner chamber)
Use Energy Efficient appliances Frost-free frig Clothes dryers with moisture sensors Front-loading washers
Use Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Benefits of CFL’s: They use 90% less energy than regular bulbs They emit very little heat They last 10x longer than regular bulbs
What you should know about CFLs: Most of them are not dimmable They contain trace amounts of mercury, so if you break one you need to handle it carefully They need to be disposed of differently than regular bulbs Large chain stores are beginning to accept used bulb returns
Why is mercury a concern in the environment? When released into the air it can enter the water supply and contaminate it It can enter the food chain and the level increases with trophic levels This causes biomagnification, which is of particular concern for top predators
How mercury enters the food chain
Mercury’s Path
Mercury can affect reproduction and offspring
What is Minamata Disease? A 26 year ban on fishing in Japan’s Minimata Bay resulted from mercury contamination in 1932 by Chisso chemical plant. Thousands of people were afflicted with the disease and hundreds died
So why should we switch to CFLs if they contain mercury? They actually result in less mercury entering the environment because they use much less electricity Since most of our electricity still comes from coal-fired electric power plants, less mercury is produced
WAYS TO IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY We can save energy in buildings by getting heat from the sun, super insulating them, and using plant covered green roofs. We can save energy in existing buildings by insulating them, plugging leaks, and using energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, appliances, and lighting.
Saving Energy in Existing Buildings About one-third of the heated air in typical U.S. homes and buildings escapes through closed windows and holes and cracks. Figure 17-11
What can be done around your house?
A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY STRATEGY A more sustainable energy policy would improve energy efficiency, rely more on renewable energy, and reduce the harmful effects of using fossil fuels and nuclear energy. –There will be a gradual shift from large, centralized macropower systems to smaller, decentralized micropower systems.
Fig , p. 414 Small solar-cell power plants Bioenergy power plants Wind farm Rooftop solar cell arrays Fuel cells Solar-cell rooftop systems Transmission and distribution system Commercial Small wind turbine Residential Industrial Microturbines
Fig , p. 415 More Renewable Energy Increase renewable energy to 20% by 2020 and 50% by 2050 Provide large subsidies and tax credits for renewable energy Use full-cost accounting and life-cycle cost for comparing all energy alternatives Encourage government purchase of renewable energy devices Greatly increase renewable energy R&D Reduce Pollution and Health Risk Cut coal use 50% by 2020 Phase out coal subsidies Levy taxes on coal and oil use Phase out nuclear power or put it on hold until 2020 Phase out nuclear power subsidies Improve Energy Efficiency Increase fuel-efficiency standards for vehicles, buildings, and appliances Mandate govern- ment purchases of efficient vehicles and other devices Provide large tax credits for buying efficient cars, houses, and appliances Offer large tax credits for invest- ments in energy efficiency Reward utilities for reducing demand for electricity Encourage indepen- dent power producers Greatly increase energy efficiency research and development
Economics, Politics, Education, and Energy Resources Governments can use a combination of subsidies, tax breaks, rebates, taxes and public education to promote or discourage use of various energy alternatives:
Four strategies can be used : 1. Can keep prices artificially low to encourage selected energy resources. 2. Can keep prices artificially high to discourage other energy resources. 3. Emphasize consumer education. 4. Produce long-range policies geared to solving energy problems rather than short-term laws in reaction to pressure under stressful times