Sustainable Cycle Solutions World Nuclear Association London, Sep 12 th, 2013 Caroline Drevon SVP Strategy, Sales & Innovation Back-End Business Group AREVA
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.2 Global nuclear capacity is expected to increase significantly over Nuclear energy generation (in TWh) % 2030 Optimizing the fuel cycle will become even more crucial to ensure the sustainable growth of nuclear energy Used fuel inventories (1000 tHM) x Rest of the World Asia Russia Europe North America Annual unloading (tHM/y) +80% Source: AREVA
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.3 Main drivers of used nuclear fuel management Risk management Nuclear System Performance Non-proliferation & security Research reactor fuels Not self protected fuels Fuels located in « risky areas » Nuclear safety Damaged fuels Saturated sites (core unloading) Saturated pools close to reactors Environmental impact & footprint Seismic Maritime Flooding Public acceptance Minimize waste generated Preserve natural resources Increase energy independence Optimize cost of nuclear electricity
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.4 Reconditioning for transport Encapsulation Under development Recycling Constraints for time, space, and safeguards Universal canister Optimised in footprint (by3), volume (by 5) and tpxicity (by 10) Absence of constraints for time, space, and «safeguards» ~10yrs Once-through MOX ERU Interim-Storage FinalDisposal Technicaland economical uncertainties Two main solutions for used nuclear fuel management Reprocessing- Recycling Industrial operations
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.5 Vitrified and compacted waste are conditioned into stable & robust waste forms that drastically reduce risks Not subject to IAEA safeguards Easy on-site handling conditions Easy to transport Rationalization of ultimate waste policy (interim storage and final disposal) Netherlands Japan Australia Italy Spain France Belgium UK Germany Switzerland Encapsulation of Fission Products Compaction of structural pieces (hulls and end-pieces) Universal canister of compacted waste or vitrified waste A unique and standardized waste form suitable for transport, long-term storage and final disposal Habog - HLW storage Licensed for 100 years Intermediate storage facility International qualification
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.6 AREVA has an undisputed leadership on the reprocessing/recycling of used fuel Existing French capacities ~2 000tHM of MOX fuel produced as of 2012 Recycling is a fully available and proven industrial solution with more than 40 years of experience La Hague Melox tHM reprocessed as of 2012
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.7 How to close the fuel cycle with a single reactor? Pre-cycling for a balanced end-of-life materials 12 AREVA loans Pu to fabricate MOX that will be loaded in the reactor from 2014 until Last MOX assembly will be discharged by After 2033, the NPP will be operated with Uranium fuel only. Plutonium resulting from treatment will be transferred to AREVA as a re-imbursement of the loaned Plutonium No plutonium and uranium left; only residues will be returned to Netherlands for storage & disposal Final disposal Used fuel PU advance Fresh MOX PU re-imbursement Pre-Cycling scheme Interim storage CSDV / CSDC Reactor New innovative schemes are being developed for providing solutions to the market (Global Recycling Services, Top MOX, etc.)
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.8 Major nuclear developers are relying for their future development on Recycling United Kingdom MOX is the preferred option to dispose of the Pu stockpile New MOX fabrication plant under discussion Recycling pilot unit Lanzhou (50t/y) in operation LoI for a 800t/y recycling plant Ambitious plan for recycling installations Ambitious fast reactor program China Rokkasho-Mura (2014) J-Mox plant design project (MOX fabrication) Tokai plant & Monju reactor Japan BN-800 to start up in 2014 Mayak (400t/y) in operation Plans to develop Krasnoyarsk (1700t/y) and MOX facilities Kalpakkam (400t/y) inoperation 500MW fast reactor to start 2014 Plans to develop Kalpakkam treatment facility Ambitious fast reactor/AHWR program India Russia R&D on Pyroprocessing R&D program on Gen IV reactor South Korea France La Hague (1700t/y) and Melox (195t/y) in operation Astrid fast reactor program development In 2030, the majority of annual fuel unloadings will come from recycling countries Worldwide recycling capability ~ 40 to 60% of annual unloading Countries with AREVA support or ongoing discussions Countries developing domestic capacities autonomously
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.9 Sustainable Cycle Solutions RECYCLING WET STORAGE DRY STORAGE Our mission: Provide Sustainable Cycle Solutions for optimized, long-term and responsible management of used fuel A smart mix of proven and evolving technologies tailored to stakeholders’ needs and constraints
AREVA - Back-End Business Group – World Nuclear Association - Sep 12th, 2013p.10