Some data related to Italy Italy is the 4° European country for energy consums (after D, F, GB) Italy is 6° European country for energy import (after Malta, Cyprus, Luxemburg, Ireland and Lithuania) Italy imports the 81,3% of its energy
Italy imports gas mainly from Algeria, Libia, Russia and for little quotes from Norvegia and Nederland
This makes Italy vulnerable in case of conflicts and uncertainties in the global market.
Electrical energy National production 86%. 24% is imported from France and Switzerland. From France Italy imports nuclear energy, after the referendum of 1987 and 2011 which brought to the closure and dismission of our nuclear plants
Nuclear plants near Italy
Electrical energy sources 25% renewable sources (solar, eolic, waste) 75% non renewable sources (gas, oil, coal)
DEFINITION Renewable energy are those that are derived from inexhaustible sources. Their use does not decrease because they are continually renewed. Renewable energy can be a solution to the problem of pollution?
RENEWABLE ENERGY The main renewable energy are: Biomass Wind energy Hydro Electric Geothermal Solar energy
BIOMASS Biomass is biological materials: materials and residues from agriculture and forestry secondary products and agri-food industry waste algae, and many species of plants used for the purification of organic sewage
BUT ALSO waste by animals, municipal waste
UTILITY The main fields of application of biomass are: BIOPOWER: production of electric energy BIOFUELS: fuel production BIOPRODUCTS: production of chemical compounds
On 9 October 2013, was inaugurated in Crescentino (Vercelli) in Piedmont, a big plant for the production of biofuels: using vegetable raw materials. It is one of the first examples of the production of propellant totally "green“ in Italy BIOMASS
CRITICAL The degree of invasiveness of some of the plant species used in the production of biofuel (Arundo donax). These plants, lush and very durable, could take root in an extraordinary way in a territory rich in water as the Vercelli plain, creating serious imbalances in the ecosystem.
WIND ENERGY Wind energy is the energy that harnesses the power of the wind to produce electricity.
WIND ENERGY Piedmont, has a single wind farm installed near Garessio (Cuneo) that consists of five towers of varying heights between 60 and 80 meters. The most virtuous regions are two islands national Sicily, with 43 wind farms, and Sardinia, with 28 wind farms.
ENERGY HYDRO ELECTRIC It is the energy possessed by the masses of water. The courses of the rivers are diverted, forcing the water in their paths forced with gradients of altitude.
CRITICAL The Vajont disaster was the event that occurred on the evening of October 9, 1963 in the neohydroelectric dam Vajont artificial
A large hydroelectric plants require significant social costs and high risk for environment ENERGY HYDRO ELECTRIC A small hydroelectric plant can be easily integrated into the ecosystem of Piedmont and can be a renewable energy source with great potential in this mountain areas
SOLAR ENERGY There are two different ways to use the heat fom the sun photovoltaic panels solar Panels
SOLAR PANELS Solar panels utilize the sun's rays to heat a liquid with special features. The liquid transfers heat water contained in a tank. These panels are used in Piedmont, especially for the production of domestic hot water
PHOTHOVOLTAIC PANELS The photovoltaic system is a panel composed of silicon cells. When light rays coming from the sun hitting the panel, the electrons in the silicon begin to "move" generating electricity, subsequently transported and used.
GEOTHERMAL ENERGY With geothermal energy we call heat coming from inside the earth. This heat can be used for the generation of energy in the other forms. Geothermal energy is also used to heat homes and buildings
GEOTHERMAL ENERGY The geothermal area of Larderello (Pisa)
HYDROGEN Fuel cells are devices that convert energy directly from chemical energy into electricity. One of the fuels possible is hydrogen.
DISTRICT HEATING Our students visited the incinerator of Torino and they discovered that from also from waste you can produce energy and house heating.