Title: Adoption of GTR 9 Pedestrian Safety into Australian National Legislation Presenter’s Name: Allan Jonas Economy: Australia 33rd APEC Transportation Working Group Tokyo, Japan October
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October GTR 9 – Pedestrian Safety GTR 9 was adopted in November 2008 Unanimously supported by all present and voting Under the terms of the 1998 Agreement, contracting parties are required to report Progress with adopting national legislation
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Australian Context In Australia xx pedestrians are killed and yy are seriously injured every year in motor vehicle accidents Of the existing vehicle models, xx % would me able to meet the provision of GRT 9 whicle yy% would need some modification and z% would need extensive modification
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Australian Context contd The potential benefits from adopting GTR 9 in Australia are Over xx years? The Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) would be ? Net benefits would be ??
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Standard Development Research – CASR Project (expand?) Development of a Regulation Impact Statement Essentials of a RIS (COAG principles) Address any knock-on effects (bullbars) RIS needs to be approved by OBPR prior to release for public comment
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Consultation 2 months public comment Following Public comment can take two paths Streamlined path for harmonised, broadly supported proposals Full consultation if non-harmonised or not broadly supported
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Streamlined Path Following Public comment can submit the proposal to the responsible Australian Government Minister for determination under section 7 of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 Register under the Legislative Instruments Act 2005 as an Australian Design Rule
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Full Consultation Following Public comment submit the proposal to the Australian Transport Council (ATC) for voting (2 months duration) ATC is a council of Federal, State and Territory transport ministers Needs a simple majority of ATC members
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Full Consultation contd Following ATC vote, submit to the responsible Australian Government Minister for determination under section 7 of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 Register under the Legislative Instruments Act 2005 as an Australian Design Rule