Precision Ag Survey Updates Terry Griffin, Ph.D., CCA Assistant Professor – Economics 2011 NCERA-180 Little Rock, AR
Sources of Data USDA-ARMS (farm level) CropLife/Purdue University Precision Ag Survey –Whipker and Akridge (2009) International network of collaborators
CropLife Ag Retailer Survey Returns specific to economics of individual farms, cropping systems and regions Farmers and ag businesses have generally adopted practices where there is a clear return on investment Two new questions for 2011
GPS-enabled Navigation Technologies Adoption Service ProvidersFarmers
Yield Monitor Adoption by Country
Adoption Rates of Yield Monitors Sources: before 1995 Mangold 1995 to 2005: USDA ARMS 2008 Cotton Inc.
Soybean Farms, 2002 Source: USDA-ARMS Data, Griffin 2009
Cotton Farms, 2003 Source: USDA-ARMS Data, Griffin 2009
Corn Farms, 2005 Source: USDA-ARMS Data, Griffin 2009
Use of yield monitor data for selected crops: with and without GPS, 2002 – 2005
Photo Source: Unidentified
Soil Sampling 30% of Sao Paulo sugar mills grid soil sample –70% of the total area, Silva et al (2010) In US, reduction in grid and zone soil sampling –Localized precision soil sampling methods common if associated with a reputable third-party expertise –More than half of U.S. service providers offered soil sampling with GPS, 59% offered grid soil sampling, one-fourth offered soil sampling by soil type (Whipker and Akridge, 2009)
Site-Specific Analysis Offered 14th Annual Precision Ag Dealership Survey, Purdue/CropLife Magazine, 2009
Variable Rate Application Offered 14th Annual Precision Ag Dealership Survey, Purdue/CropLife Magazine, 2009
VRT Services Offered by Service Providers Whipker and Akridge, 2009
Lime application duration and VRT Source: Griffin 2010, USDA-ARMS All means differences statistically significantly different p=0.05
2 New Questions for 2011
Precision Ag Website Resources PrecisionTalk on AgTalk – PrecisionAg Network – Alabama Precision Ag – Purdue Site Specific Management Center – University of Arkansas –
Terry Griffin Assistant Professor - Economics Post Doctoral Position: Spatial Statistics position #