Nuclear energy
Advantages *does not produce greenhouse gasses. *nuclear energy the size of a quarter can power a city. Disadvantages… *waste is harmful and radioactive. *need to be disposed of very carefully. *Nuclear power plants are at high risk of terrorist attacks. *the uranium on earth will be gone in 50 years Advantages/Disadvantages
Nuclear energy is the best choice from an environment point of view because it gives off clean air. Although nuclear energy is very dangerous and could cause a terrible incident. Is nuclear power good for the environment?
How nuclear power works Nuclear power plants produce electricity by using uranium fuel. The process of producing electricity is called fission. es0702/es0702page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization
The future of nuclear energy The future for nuclear energy is extremely scarce. The uranium on earth is going to run out in 50 years.
The answer is yes there are two nuclear power plants located in Pittsburgh Will this energy work in Pittsburgh