Chapter 16 Section 1 The First Americans Pages Questions 1-6
1. Why was Mesoamerica’ geography ideal for farming? It had rich, volcanic soil; a mild climate; and rain fall in the spring and the fall.
2. How did the first Americans develop corn? They crossed corn with other grasses to get bigger cobs and more cobs per plant.
3. Draw a chart and add details about the early peoples of North America. Native Americans Southwest Planted gardens grew corn cotton beans - lived in huge apartment type buildings carved into cliffs East/ Mississippi River Valley Hunters and Gatherers - Mound-building culture
4. How and When did the 1 st people come to the Americas, and how did they live once they were here? They came across the Bering Strait Land Bridge from Asia 15,000-40,000 years ago. They lived as Hunters and Gatherers.
How did geography shape the development of the Anasazi civilization? They lived in Hot, Dry areas; Anasazi collected rain that ran off cliffs; lived in homes carved into cliffs.