The Olmecs The First Civilization in the Western Hemisphere
Migration to the Americas 30,000-10,000 years ago- last major ice age. Northern Hemisphere covered in large sheets of ice called glaciers. Water that now occupies the area known as the Bering Strait receded, creating a land bridge. Hunters followed their game (animals) across the land bridge into North America.
What is Civilization? A civilization is defined as a society with: 1. A social hierarchy 2. An established communication or writing system 3. Dominance over the natural environment Can you name some ancient civilizations not located in North America that fit the definition above?
The 1 st Civilization in the Americas Olmecs- Existed from 1500 BCE to 400 CE Civilization centered around the Southern Mexican Peninsula Though the Olmecs were not the first settlers in the Americas, they were the first major civilization and set precedents for later groups.
Advancements Olmec writing systems date back to 900 BCE (Before Common Era) Cascajal Block- oldest writing system in the New World (see right) Olmecs credited with first Long Count Calendar which was highly accurate (See left) Developed the concept of zero
More Advancements Art- Jade used in art and was traded Sport- Ō llamaliztli, played with a rubber ball and is similar to racquetball today Bloodletting- Cutting or piercing one’s body as to praise the Gods and to renew life.
Colossal Heads Weighted between 6 and 50 tons!
The End of the Olmecs The Olmecs began to decline during the middle of the first millennia CE (Common Era) The exact reason as to why Olmec civilization declined is not exactly known Most researchers believe it was because of stronger civilizations gaining power and took over the region Despite their disappearance, the Olmecs were the first major North American civilization and contributed many important cultural practices that later societies would adopt
Quick Quiz 1. Name 3 contributions made by the Olmecs. 2. Approximately when did Olmec society exist from? 3. The identifiable form of Olmec art is ____________.