CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Jesús Olcina Daniel Cuesta Carlos Cerdán Andrea Bolívar
IDENTIFYING Conditional sentences have two parts: the subordinate preposition that sets the condition and the main that expresses the result. No matter what order they are placed but if the condition goes first, we put a comma after it. There are 4 types: 0 type: present situations and are possible. EXAMPLE: If you visit China, You speak Chinese. 1 type: Present or future situations and are probable. EXAMPLE: If you come early, you might get a parking space. 2 type: use past and would o could.Are unlikely. EXAMPLE: If I had the energy, I could go for a run with you. 3 type: Past perfect and would have.Are impossible. EXAMPLE: If I had studied pharmacy, I wouldn’t have become economist.
Comparing -While the zero type is possible and it´s used with present simple in the two terms, first type is probable and it´s used with present simple in the first term and future in the second term. -While the second type is unlikely and it´s used with past simple in the first term and in the second term with “would”, third type is an improbable condition and it´s used with past perfect in the first term and in the second term with “would have”.
Reasons The reasons to use conditionals are: Conditionals are useful for speaking about hypothetical situations and imagine things because if it doesn´t exist we can´t do it.
Conclusions In conclusion, the use of conditional means that an action depends on another. The conditional is used to talk about real or unreal situations. The conditionals are essential in our lives because without them we could not dream or imagine those things we like so much, without them we could not go on a trip to our island dream or imagine what would be our perfect world. So we appreciate them well because they make our lives better.
What type of conditional do we use to express hipothetical situations of the present or future? S_ _ _ N_ C_ _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ L
What type of conditional do we use to express hipothetical situations of the present or future? S E C O N D C O N D T I O N A L
Which tenses do we use in the first type of conditional? P _ _ S _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ L E
Which tenses do we use in the first type of conditional? P R E S E N T S I M P L E
What type of conditional express presents or future situations that are posible, probable or real? _ _ _ S _ _ O _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ _
What type of conditional expresses presents or future situations that are posible, probable or real? F I R S T C O D I T I O N A L
Which tenses do we use in the third type of conditional? P _ _ _ _ I _ _ L _
Which tenses do we use in the third type of conditional? P A S T S I M P L E
What type of conditional do we use to express about hipothetical situations of the past? T _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L
What type of conditional do we use to express about hipothetical situations of the past? T H I R D C O N D I T I O N A L
Which tenses do we use in the second type conditional? P _ _ T _ _ M _ _ _
Which tenses do we use in the second type conditional? P A S T S I M P L E
What type of conditional do we use to express a real situation without doubt? Z _ _ O _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _
What type of conditional do we use to express a real situation without doubt? Z E R O C O N D I T I O N A L
Complete the phrase: If you visit London, you _ _ _ _ _ English.