Heavy Ion Laboratory Warsaw University Jarosław Choiński
Cyclotron K=160 (up to 400 MeV of 40 Ar) Ion source: ECR, 10 GHz a new source is going to be instaled soon Extraction: stripping
Total beam-on-target time: 2434 hours in 2006 (about hours/year – mean value in last 5 years) About hours of beam- on-target time in 2006 was used by international users. All projects performed at HIL are evaluated by international Program Advisory Committee.
Experimental HIL
ICARE in WARSAW ICARE Identificateur de Charges A Rendement Eleve Big reaction chamber (F1.0x0.7m) 48 telescopes for charge particles detection & identification
ICARE in WARSAW proposed subjects of studies Light particle emission in Deep Inelastic Collisions (Strasbourg, Messina, Warsaw) Nuclei deformation effects in light particle emission (Strasbourg, Cracow, Warsaw) Coulomb barrier distributions (Warsaw, Białystok, Strasbourg, Jyvaskyla, Sendai) Structure and interactions of light nuclei (Kiev, Cracow, Warsaw) More:
A new faze (face) of OSIRIS-II Up to 32 Regular Ge detectors 60 BaF2 Inner Ball Si –Ball for light charged particle detection HI detection system (PiN-diode chamber) Internal conversion electrons spectrometer CUP – veto detector for light charged particles Plunger (in future)
Proposed subjects of studies General purpose gamma spectroscopy Coulomb Excitation Life time measurements with DSA method (plunger in planned in near future) Internal conversion electrons spectroscopy More:
Presently available experimental facilities Gamma ray multidetector system OSIRIS II consists of up to 12HP germanium spectrometers with anticompton shields. BGO gamma ray multiplicity filter, Si –Ball for light charged particle detection, internal conversion electrons spectrometer 4 sector HPGe polarimeter, CUP – veto detector for light charged particles PiN-diode chamber for scattered heavy ion detection GDR multidetector system JANOSIK: movable in range of deg high energy gamma ray detector: high volume NaI(Tl) crystal surrounded by an active plastic shield and passive LiH and thick lead shields, multiplicity filter consists of 32 small scintillator detectors (12BaF2 and 20 Na(Tl)), set of 16 silicon telescopes for light charged particles. Scandinavian type on-line mass separator IGISOL mass separation: acceleration voltage 40KV, analyzing magnet 55 deg., mass resolution power , Ion source: Ion Guide type, Detection setup: tape station, dvanced time delayed system (beta gamma- gamma, Ge, Si(Li), BaF2 detectors), miniorange spectrometer. Irradiation chamber with water cooling Low background lead shielded HPGe counters high efficiency (66%) low background coaxial HPGe detector, 2 HPGe gamma-X coaxial detectors, 2 low energy gamma ray detectors (coaxial and planar). General purpose scattering chambers CUDAC and SYRENA.
Typical activities of the research groups at HIL GDR studies, Gamma-gamma in-beam spetrosopy, Life time measurments (e.g. with DSA method), Multiple Coulomb excitation studies, Internal conversion electrons spectroscopy on-line, Reactions with light ions studies, Fusion barriers height distributions studies, Biological interactions of high LET radiation studies, Irradiations of solid state materials with heavy ions, Semiconductor detectors development and tests.
Other facilities Heavy Ion Laboratory supports experimental groups with: a mechanical workshop, an electronic workshop, a data acquisition service, a laboratory for HPGe detector annealing process. In Heavy Ion Laboratory there are available: 10 guest rooms (9 single and 1 double) with a kitchen and a meeting room, a conference room for 120 persons.