Ch. 1 – 3 Quiz Why do we feel differently about Burris Ewell than we do Walter Cunningham? Atticus gave Scout some advice for getting along with "all kinds of folks." What was the advice he gave? What does Atticus do for a living? Why was Dill in Maycomb? Why did the pecans from the Radley's trees lay untouched on the schoolyard? What is the setting of the story? To Kill A Mockingbird is told from what point of view?
8. Who is Boo Radley? 9. Where did Jem receive most of his information regarding Boo Radley? 10. According to Miss Stephanie, who did Boo Radley stab? 11. Who is Dill? 12. What did Dill dare Jem to do? 13. Scout told Calpurnia, "He ain't company, Cal, he's just a Cunningham-", Calpurnia: 14. What was Scout's "crime" on her first day of school? ESSAY Two of the children in Scout's class are obviously very poor. One is Walter Cunningham, and the other is Burris Ewell. Compare and contrast the two children and their families.
Ch. 4 – 6 Quiz 1. What were Jem and Scout most looking forward to as summer came? 2. Who would be laughing from inside the house and why do you think he/she would have been laughing? 3. Who asked Miss Maudie to marry each Christmas? 4. Where did Scout spend her evenings after Jem and Dill began to exclude her? 5. Why does Jem sneak out at 2 o'clock in the morning? 6. How did Scout end up in front of the Radley Place front steps?
7. What happened to Jem, Scout, and Dill when they snuck to the back of the Radley house to peek inside? 8. What caught Scout's eye as she passed by the Radley Place one day after school? 9. What does Scout reveal she heard as she was rolling into the Radley front yard? 10. Why does Dill want to invite Boo Radley to come outside and sit and talk? 11. How did Dill explain Jem's missing pants? Essay Rewrite the scene where Jem retrieves his pants from the Radley fence from Jem's point of view.
Chapters 7 – 9 Quiz, TKM 1. What made Scout think the world was ending? 2. Who did the snowman resemble? 3. What does Cecil Jacobs bring to Scout's attention? 4. Why are items left in the knot-hole only during the school year? 5. Why would there be no more items left in the knot-hole? 6. What was Jem's idea when he didn't have enough snow to make a snowman? 7. Why do you think Atticus has chosen to represent Tom Robinson? 8. What did Scout think was the only good thing about being in the second grade?
9. What does Jem reveal to Scout about the night he went back to retrieve his pants? 10. How did Jem remain calm when Miss Maudie's house was burning and it looked as if the Finch's house would burn also? 11. Why was Jem so frightened after finding his pants? 12. How did Scout happen to have a blanket wrapped around her shoulders during the fire? 13. What is Mr. Avery's belief about why it has snowed? 14. Jem is on the verge of discussing something with Scout. What could it be? Essay Explain why you agree or disagree with Atticus' values. Do you sometimes find them too severe? Explain.
TKM, Part One Test Analyze the childhood world of Jem, Scout, and Dill and their relationship with Boo Radley in Part One. Make an assertion (come to a conclusion) about their childhood. Defend your position with specific details from the text. Don’t forget to explain what part Boo Radley played in their “growing up.”
TKM, Ch. 10 – 12 Quiz 1. What is Jem's response after Atticus shoots the mad dog? 2. What was Miss Maudie's explanation for Atticus' request that the children not shoot mockingbirds? 3. Why do you suppose Scout wants to go see Calpurnia at her own home? 4. How did the congregation of Calpurnia's church sing their hymns without hymn-books? Why didn't they have any hymn-books? 5. At this point in the story, Scout and Jem are concerned that their father isn't able to do things like play football, hunt, or fish. What values do you think the children will find are greater regarding their father? 6. At the end of chapter 11 we find out the real reason why Jem is commissioned to read to Mrs. Dubose. What is that reason? 7. What is Calpurnia's reason for not speaking the same with both groups of people?
8. Atticus' sage advice to Scout includes the remark: "before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself." What does he say is the only thing that doesn't abide by majority rule? 9. What makes Jem destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellias? 10. In the first part of the novel Scout and Jem are just beginning to understand the complex morality of the adult world. Who is someone they might think of as evil from the first part of the novel? 11. What is it about Calpurnia that makes Scout think Cal is leading a double life? 12. Who was sitting in a rocking chair on the Finch's porch when the children and Calpurnia came home from church? 13. What was Lula's reasoning for not wanting the children to attend the black church? 14. What was Calpurnia's explanation for why Tom Robinson's wife couldn't find work?
Answer on your own paper. Ch. 10 – 12 Quiz Answer on your own paper. Why shouldn’t the children shoot mockingbirds? What makes Jem destroy Mrs. Dubose’s camellias? What is Calpurnia’s explanation for why Tom Robinson’s wife can’t find work? How does the Reverend get enough offerings (money) from his congregation at the black church? What is Jem’s response after Atticus shoots the mad dog?
Ch. 13 – 15 Quiz 1. Where do the children find Atticus after he takes the car one evening? 2. Why did Scout tell Atticus that she would like it very much if her aunt came to live with them? 3. Why would Aunt Alexander want Atticus to fire Calpurnia? 4. Why do you suppose Mr. Underwood was covering for Atticus with his shotgun if he does not like black people? 5. What is it that Scout does that makes the dangerous mob break up and go back home? 6. Why does Scout think there is a snake under her bed? 7. How long did "for a while" mean in Maycomb? 8. What simile does the author use to describe how Aunt Alexandra fit into Maycomb?
9. What was Dill's real reason for running away? 10. What did Jem do that made Scout feel he had broken the "remaining code" of their childhood? 11. What did Jem tell Scout he was afraid of after the group of men showed up? 12. Explain what Scout meant when she tells us: "This was the second time I heard Atticus ask that question in two days, and it meant that somebody's man would get jumped.“ Essay Imagine you are Mr. Underwood, and you've decided to write an editorial regarding the events in chapter 15. What would you write?
Ch. 16 – 18 Quiz 1. What would be the significance of Mayella being beaten on the right side of her face? 2. What does Scout discover as she listens to "The Idlers' Club"? 3. What behaviors by the Ewells make us doubt their testimony? 4. What simile does the author use to describe Judge Taylor? 5. Why do you think the white people are taking Bob Ewell's side, when normally they would never take a Ewell's word?
6. How do Mayella and her father's testimonies contradict one another? 7. What kind of mood is set as the people of Maycomb prepare for the trial of Tom Robinson? 8. Why do you suppose Mayella feels she is being made fun of when Atticus refers to her as a "Miss"? 9. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says that Miss Stephanie seemed to know so much about the case that she might as well be called on to testify? 10. Where did the children watch the trial from?
Ch. 19 – 21 Open Book Quiz 1. Who does Scout think Mayella Ewell is lonelier than? 2. Why do the black spectators in the courtroom stand as Atticus leaves? 3. What is the significance of Tom's admission that he felt sorry for Mayella? 4. What is so startling about Tom Robinson as he was sworn in to testify? 5. What is Dill's response to Tom's cross examination? 6. Why does Dolphus Raymond pretend to be a drunkard? 7. What do Scout and Dill find that Dolphus Raymond is drinking from the bottle he carries in a paper bag?
8. In Atticus' closing speech he declares that here is one kind of equality he believes in, what is it? 9. What does Scout see when the jury returned to the courtroom that told Scout what their decision was? 10. Scout's reactions to both Mayella and the prosecuting attorney reflect which advice from her father? 11. Who was the probably the only person who was ever friendly to Mayella Ewell? 12. What does Atticus do during his closing argument that Scout had never before, nor since, seen him do? 13. Why is Jem encouraged when the jury takes a long time to deliver a verdict? 14. What reason does Dolphus Raymond give for letting Scout and Dill in on his secret?
Ch. 10 – 12 Quiz 1. In the first part of the novel Scout and Jem are just beginning to understand the complex morality of the adult world. Who is someone they might think of as evil from the first part of the novel? 2. Who was sitting in a rocking chair on the Finch's porch when the children and Calpurnia came home from church? 3. What was Calpurnia's explanation for why Tom Robinson's wife couldn't find work? 4. What is it about Calpurnia that makes Scout think Cal is leading a double life? 5. How did the congregation of Calpurnia's church sing their hymns without hymn-books? Why didn't they have any hymn-books? 6. Atticus' sage advice to Scout includes the remark: "before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself." What does he say is the only thing that doesn't abide by majority rule? 7. What was Miss Maudie's explanation for Atticus' request that the children not shoot mockingbirds?
8. What was Lula's reasoning for not wanting the children to attend the black church? 9. At this point in the story, Scout and Jem are concerned that their father isn't able to do things like play football, hunt, or fish. What values do you think the children will find are greater regarding their father? 10. What makes Jem destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellias? 11. At the end of chapter 11 we find out the real reason why Jem is commissioned to read to Mrs. Dubose. What is that reason? 12. Why do you suppose Scout wants to go see Calpurnia at her own home? 13. What is Calpurnia's reason for not speaking the same with both groups of people? 14. What is Jem's response after Atticus shoots the mad dog?