HCC Fall KickStart University of Nebraska – Lincoln Holland Computing Center David Swanson, Emelie Harstad, Jingchao Zhang, Adam Caprez, Derek Weitzel, Natasha Pavlovikj, Huijun Zhu 1
2 Please complete these steps before the lessons start at 9:45 !! 1.If you haven’t already done so, please complete the laptop setup instructions here: 2.When you’re done, apply for an HCC account here: Setup Instructions If you need help with either of the two steps above, please put a red sticky-note at the top of your laptop. When you are done with both steps, please put a green sticky note at the top of your laptop.
3 Schedule
4 Logistics Location: UNL City Campus Union – Colonial Room (both days) Lunch sponsored by Dell for those who registered Name tags, coffee Software Carpentry Lessons for Day 1 (with laptop setup instructions) Etherpad (take notes, ask questions) Sticky-notes: Red = need help …… Green = all good
5 Introduction to Software Carpentry Non-profit organization (Greg Wilson) Mission: Improve basic computing skills and practices of researchers (esp. science, engineering, medicine) Materials are open-source Instructors are volunteers
6 Introduction to Software Carpentry Problem: Most scientists’ computing skills are self-taught Learn computing skills on need-to-know basis, limited time Solution: 2-day “bootcamp”-style workshop / Hands-on training, no slides Core curriculum: Unix Shell programming (automating tasks) Version control (Git and GitHub) R or Python (building modular, robust code) Results: Good programming practices Reproducable research, time-saving, efficient, re-usable Today: 1-day bootcamp - only covering Unix Shell programming For information on upcoming SWC workshops, sign up for the HCC Announce mailing list:
7 What is the Unix Shell? – A program – Interact using CLI instead of GUI – Interprets commands, orders computer to execute, and prints out result Why use the Unix Shell? – Powerful toolset - automate repetative tasks quickly – Easiest way to interact with remote machines – Unix-based operating systems are used on most High Performance Computing (HPC) systems Unix Shell
8 Shell commands can look cryptic at first Only need to learn about basic commands We will be using the Bash shell (most popular) Unix Shell
9 Filesystem You are here