Web Accessibility and Higher Education Presented by: Dean B., Assistive Technology Specialist Marcy H., Assistant Director, Compliance and Disability Services ATIA 2014 Orlando Session Code: AC-23 January 31, 2014; 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Outline Brief history Drafting a web accessibility policy Gaining buy-in Implementation Training and support Ensuring compliance Current status Future steps 2
Implementation: Lessons Learned Making sure the office responsible for the implementation of the Policy was equipped to do so Didn’t fully identify the challenges individuals would face and the tools they would need to comply with the policy Should have spoken with more departments about the policy, the expectations, and addressed their concerns 3
Guidance Sheets and Other Resources Tips for Creating Accessible Online Documents Tips for Procuring Universally Accessible Software Purchased Karen McCall’s digital books and made available in our library with Ms. McCall’s permission ▫ Accessible and Usable PDF Documents: Techniques for Document Author ▫ Logical Document Structure Handbook: Microsoft Word 2010 ▫ Logical Document Structure Handbook: Microsoft Word 2007 ▫ Document Structure Handbook: PowerPoint 2010 ▫ Document Structure Handbook: PowerPoint 2007 Web accessibility mailing list Mixable Blog articles 4
Resources Office of Institutional Equity web accessibility page ▫ College’s Web Accessibility Committee Website ▫ Dean B. ▫ Marcy H. ▫ 5
Layout Table 6 This is a test for a presentation table. The table is just used to create the effect of having two columns of text. Oftentimes this is used for formatting purposes when, in fact, there are better (and more accessible) ways to create two columns. This is the second column of the table. Again, used for a column effect.
Simple Table 7 Animals that live on landAnimals that live in the water LionsSalmon TigersDolphins BearsSharks PeopleWhales
Questions? 8