Audience - huge variations New Material - fun but too advanced ? Length - important to be concise Videos - adds variety but keep short Choice of content – focus on a few aspects but don’t miss out key points Include collaboration, people and own involvement Higgs discovery just a start – dark universe – future opportunities Acknowledgements – colleagues slides Challenges include
Challenges continued Content Choice and Order - very important eg flows naturally with mix of photos and more detail Describe known particles and force carriers - little time for how this is known Any theory ? Any link to universe (very large – very small) ? What to say about Higgs field and boson properties ? Describe some of the mysteries to motivate the work LHC construction and key points (Engineering challenges) Detector construction, recognising particles, how detectors work International collaboration, people, your work Explain how collisions are interpreted and analysed Keep it simple before mentioning challenges like pileup,triggering, … Mass plot – how is mass calculated ? Easy to show Higgs candidate event displays and animated mass plots How to describe importance of other measurements or searches if there were time How much time to spend on spin offs or applications ? Stress some of the future opportunities for discoveries/exploration
Highlights Great atmosphere at the end of a successful public talk Sometimes emphasised by range of public and private questions Sometimes the talk only works well for a smaller number of people – however for them it can still be a big influence