PROMOTING HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: CRITICAL ROLE OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC SERVICES IN AFRICA Africa’s Human Resources in the Public service in the 21st Century By Dr. Raphael K. Arinaitwe Contact Expert in Leadership, Governance and Public Policy CAFRAD Or
Africa’s personnel in the public services in the 21st century: A shift from Personnel Administration to Human Resource Management Personnel = Human Resources Africa’s Human Resources in the Public services in the 21st Century: What capacity? What skills? What training and what experiences? What conditions and work environment (legal framework, status), etc.. What motivations and aspirations?
General Overview Africa’s concerns about human resource management: low productivity, inefficiency, low motivation, limited opportunity, inadequate remuneration system (grossly in most of public sector setting), inadequate or misplaced training and development, outdated management systems, and lack of professionalism, among others. To meet these multiple challenges in order to create conditions for sustainable development, public and private sector bodies must be backed by a responsible, effective, efficient and responsive human resource management system. Vision:-Diverse competent and well managed workforce, capable of and committed to delivering high quality services to people Mission:-Model of excellence which stems from individual commitment instead of compulsion
What capacity do Human Resources need to have? The human resource strength of any organization, private or public, significantly correlates with its ability to meet customer expectations in terms not only of the quality, timeliness, accessibility and affordability of the goods and services it produces, but also profitability Efficiency and effectiveness HR capable of coping with continual environmental change, to cope with and adapt to changes of mission, environment and /or direction Capacity to meet the challenges of transformation Capacity to meet the changing needs Capacity of professionalism and impartiality of public service Commitment & effectiveness Ability to correctly assess current environment threats and opportunities (both within and out) and take steps to create energy necessary for action
What skills do Human resources need to have? Skills should be in line with the principles that govern public service Professionalism Efficiency and effectiveness Development Oriented Services provided Knowing peoples’ needs Accountable Transparency
Vision vs Skills What is the vision of HRM in the Public Service? What is required to realize it? What are the critical principles? (Decentralization, efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility, diversity and service standards)
Implications of the above principles Alignment of structures to strategies Lack of skills (calls for training) Shift of responsibilities from personnel to HR Management
Mission vs Skills Mission of Human Resource management A call for designing and redesigning of Public Service structures to match needs, HR and changes in roles and responsibility and other changing needs
Roles and Responsibilities skills Policies set up Day to day responsibility Human Resource practitioners Vs professionals’ role Materialization of new managerial style
Designing Public Sectors’ structures vs Skills and experiences Four questions asked What should the units of public sector be? What components should be joined together or kept a part? What is the size and shape for each? What are the appropriate placement and relationship?
The Key activities vs Skills and experiences Load bearing parts of the structures Questions on : Areas in which excellence is required to achieve objectives Areas if lacking performance endangers results Truly important values (Fairness, equity, accessibility, Transparency, accountability, participation and professionalism Analysis of Key activities brings a lot of issues of concern
Matching Human Resources, Structures Vs Activities Status of African countries Requirement for developing strategies What HR planning ensures (Quality and quantity of staff, Optimum use, anticipated staff, Develops workforce)
What HR Planning considers Assessment of HR based on short, medium and long term operational Objectives of the structures and related activities Assessment of existing HR capacity Identify numbers and skills of staff currently employed, gaps in the employment Succession planning for key positions Drawing up HR skills and training strategies
Changing the HRM Culture Undergoing fundamental changes to actualize the four principles Increased delegation Development of a service delivery oriented workforce Continuous drive for efficiency and effectiveness Flexibility environment
What conditions and work environment (legal framework, status), etc The Public Service Employee A. Role and Obligations of the public service employee ► To exercise with integrity and efficiency his/her functions ► To develop, through training and further training, his/her professional qualifications ► To respect the regulations governing the service in which he/she evolves B. Rights and Needs of the public service employee ► To benefit from a payment commensurate with his/her skills ► To be assured of means to develop and improve his/her career prospects ► To preserve his/her dignity and be protected against any abuse
What conditions and work environment (legal framework, status), etc continued Comprehensive HRM policies/regulations that provide for: Flexible working patterns by providing working conditions which are responsive to the employers’ and employees needs A career path/public service and offers opportunities for development and advancement through improved performance, career management
What conditions and work environment (legal framework, status), etc Increased fair competition based on merit Recruitment, placement and promotion Performance management Managing conduct and grievances Termination
WHAT MOTIVATIONS AND ASPIRATIONS Remuneration Conducive working environment: that enables individuals to work harder and well without feeling being stressed Promotion of individuals to explore their talents and enable them to use their full potential Policies and Management/administrative practices Supervision Status Job security Co-workers Personal life
Motivators or Satisfiers Recognition Achievement Advancement Growth Responsibility Job challenge
Conclusion As no single public sector structure is fit for different classes, no single capacity, skill, training or experience is fit for different activities but discipline/integrity are common. Skills and Training are based on structures and activities, which are determined based on many factors Transformation based on vision and mission is an essential prerequisite Prepare to address challenges of transformation with the needed capacity, skills, training and retraining Focus on service delivery outcomes Sign managerial responsibility for the results Motivate Human Resources but hold the accountable Do business professionally, transparently and ethically within legal framework