Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory and Teaching Application (Ausubel 有意義的學習理論 與教學應用 )
Biography David Paul Ausubel - Born on October 25, Bachelor degree in Psychology at University of Pennsylvania in Graduated from medical school at Middlesex University in Ph.D degree in Development Psychology at Columbia University in Received the Thorndike Award from the American Psychological Association for Distinguished Psychological Contribution to Education - Died on July 9, 2008
- David Ausubel was a cognitive ( 認知結構 )learning theorist. - Learning for Ausubel is bringing something new into our cognitive structure and attaching it to our existing knowledge that is located there. - Ausebel’s theory also focuses on meaningful learning ( 有意義的學習 ).
- Meaning is created through some form of representational equivalence between language (symbols) and mental context. - Two processes are involved: 1. Reception ( 接受式學習 ), which is employed in meaningful verbal learning, and 2. Discovery ( 發現式學習 ), which is involved in concept formation and problem solving.
- From Ausubel's perspective, the primary process in learning is subsumption. - To subsume ( 往往包含 ) is to incorporate( 納入 ) new material into one's cognitive structures. - Ausubel proposed four processes by which meaningful learning occur : 1. Derivative subsumption ( 衍生包容 ) 2. Correlative subsumption ( 相關包容 ) 3. Superordinate learning ( 上級學習 ) 4. Combinatorial learning ( 組合學習 )
Subsumption Theory Derivative Subsumption Correlative Subsumption Superordinate Learning Combinatorial Learning Strategy used Advanced Organizers Expository Teaching ( Old + New ) Comparative Teaching ( Old + New ) Receptive Learning / Meaningful Learning O + N = L O = Old information N = New information L = Learning ( meaningful )
Derivative Subsumption Describe the situation in which the new information you learn is an example of a concept that you have learned.
Correlative Subsumption Higher level concept of thinking
Superordinate Learning You are already familiar with the things but didn’t know the concept itself until it was taught
Combinatorial Learning When the newly acquired knowledge combine with prior knowledge to enrich the understanding of both concepts.
- Ausubel contributed much to the theoretical body of cognitive learning theory and his most notable contribution for classroom application was the advance organizer ( 前導架構 ) which falls into two categories: Expository Organizers ( 說明式架構 ) Presents several encompassing generalizations where detailed contains will be added later. Comparative Organizers ( 比較式架構 ) Compares new material with knowledge already known by emphasizing the similarities between two types of material and showing the information that is to be learnt.
Ausubel’s Model of Meaningful Learning Phase One Advance Organizer Phase Two Presentation of Learning task or Material Phase Three Strengthening Cognitive Organization Clarify aim of the lesson Make the organization of the new material explicit Relate new information to advance organizer Present the lesson Make logical order of learning material explicit Promote active reception learning. Relate organizer to students’ prior knowledge Present material in terms of basic similarities and differences by using examples, and engage students in meaningful learning activities
Principles of Ausubel’s Meaningful Reception Learning Theory within a classroom setting include : 1. The most general ideas of a subject should be presented first. 2. Instructional materials should attempt to integrate new material with previously presented information through comparisons. 3. Instructors should incorporate advance organizers when teaching a new concept. 4. Instructors should use a number of examples and focus on both similarities and differences. 5. Classroom application of Ausubel’s theory should discourage rote learning ( 機械式學習 ). 6. The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows.
Creative Production Meaningful Learning A Continuum ( 連續 ) Rote Learning Requires Results from: 1.Well organized, relevant knowledge structures 2.Emotional commitment to integrate new information with existing knowledge 3.Conceptual clear subject matter 1.Little or no relevant knowledge 2.No emotional commitment to relate new information with existing relevant knowledge 3.Poorly organized subject matter
Summary *For Ausubel, meaningful learning is a process that related to new information relevant to the concepts contained in a person’s cognitive structure. *In order to be meaningful to students’ learning, then learning should be linked and relevant to students’ cognitive structure. *It is important for students to construct knowledge through learning.
References pdf avidpaulausubel avidpaulausubel meaningful-verbal-learning?related=2 meaningful-verbal-learning?related=2